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RE: Bitcoin Hits New All-Time High Over $4,400 As It Catches Paypal In Total Market Cap

in #dtube8 years ago

I am waiting for a correction to get deeper into the Bitcoin space. Heavy on alts, but have price point is a bit high right now for Bitcoin.


@chefcryptoshark @crypto-ghost77 there definitely will be another major correction, the question is just when? Almost impossible to predict... if you believe Cliff High's predictions, he's set this at around $6700 or $6800. Personally I think it will be at least $6K until the next BIG drop. Sure it will correct a lot along the way there, losing a few hundred dollars here and there, but nothing drastic until then. Just my opinion :)

And in any case, no matter when it does have that next big 30 or 40% correction....long term is still bullish!! :D