Dtube.video SUCKS!

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

I have tried a million ways to upload a video to dtube with no success. All I ever get is error messages and page reloads that delete the very little progress I had made to getting uploaded. This not NOT a product that is even close to being ready for market. If Steemit and dtube.video want to work together they have a long way to go.

I would love to use this site to upload all my vids and tell YouTube to hit the bricks but I can't because there is way to many bugs to make it an enjoyable process. Is anyone else having the same troubles? As of right now I can't even tell anyone about it because it will hurt Steemit.com in the process.

Get it together dtube! Your product is wack and I feel like we moved back in time about 10 years!

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DTube is a brilliant idea and yeah it can compete with YouTube! But developers just made it just as normal project! I mean they didn't concern about bug testing and they just released it :/ It should not be happened and due to that problem it makes more unhappier users like you and I do!
Most of people who talked positive about this platform seems went back to YouTube and they won't realized it as you did :D
DTube is a good perception and a perfect beast who can compete against YouTube. But it need more improvement and developer support as well! If that happens this will become a great alternative to YouTube and the combination between DTube and Steemit will bring more revenue sources into the STEEM platform as well!
Great discussion and thank you very much for sharing with us!


It's a fantastic idea. But right now the whole site is a dumpster fire! I hope they make serious improvements and get this thing working because the world needs a site like this. And if they don't do it somebody will .....and it might be The OG Broncnutz

@broncnutz I've also tried uploading to DTube but no dice. It keeps telling me to choose a thumbnail for the post, even once I've chosen one already. It also seems like it takes a super long time to load the videos, if they are able to upload somehow. The future of Steemit is looking good though. DTube is the Beta of the Beta LOL 😂 When Steemit leaves "Beta", well, I think we're all adults here, and know where the Moon is... 😄🤔😏💯❤️💻🐠💦
There is plenty of time for @heimindanger to fix the bugs! 😜💻♨️

I agree but the site needs to come down before it gives Steem token a bad name which will reflect on Steemit.com

Tried to upload couple of times myself on DTube, but it didn't let me. Same goes for watching the actual videos. I even recently Today found my favourite YouTube channel The Crow House @maxigan uploaded his videos on @DTube, because they started deleting his content on YouTube, but I cannot even get any videos to load.

Is it just me, or there is a conspiracy here, where DTube is working with YouTube to govern, limit and censor people like us?

Dooo iiitttt... I would definitely be on your video platform. And yeah, I tried to make Dtube work for way too long and have not had the mental energy to try again. Hopefully it improves.

"it might be The OG Broncnutz", yeah it can be happened! You have the ability!


Let me know if I can help. Competition makes us all better.

dtube because i can't explain how there people with videos that suck are making a quarter of a million dollars on here and i'm not. Not even when I ask for help this platform is more fucked up than youtube.

I'd be happy to simply upload a video and get an upvote! 😟

Compete with Youtube? Not gonna happen bro... As much as I love DTube, it can't handle the long-term task of a decentralized video service...

Decentralization is still new technology for it! Let's see it can show the improvements!

i'm having a lot of trouble uploading videos. it just takes forever. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated

It still takes about 30 minutes to upload a video. Nobody has time for that..

Ha, I'm currently (at time of this comment) going on two hours loading a 6 minute video... and it's only 65% uploaded! This is my second time in three months to try and upload... and I see there has been NO improvement. It's a shame someone actually concocted the Dtube idea and ran away.

It's a joke. I tried a 3.7 gig video. Went to bed, woke up 8 hours later, and the status bar had not moved. I just finished compressing it down to 270 megs DESTROYING the video quality, and it's about 1/4 of the way uploaded as I type this. It takes entirely too long, and if your lucky enough to make it to 100 percent, there is still a chance you'll get a "block chain" error. Hopefully they fix this bogus shit.

I really hope they do because I have some awesome ideas for content!

I have about 95 videos I would love to move to Dtube from YT! I would probably expired before I got them all uploaded!

Same here friend. Best wishes to you.

i am also facing the same issues :(

I haven't tried uploading to it, but every time I've tried to watch anything on it it has been unwatchable - nobody seems to say anything - like it doesn't actually work...

OK, New Zealand has pretty slow internet, but Youtub works, while Dube does indeed suck

I got one to upload when it first went live.....since then I have tried to upload at least 15 times and it never works. Only bits and pices work on the site. Right now it's a cool idea and not a dam thing more than that.

Sure looks that way today too! Not much improvement that I can see.

same issue i am facing

I have not had any problems with DTube I have uploaded some videos. It took some time for the videos to upload but other than that I had no hiccups.

Are they still here? Mine are all gone after a few weeks

I've had the same problem uploading one of my videos which was about 5 minutes in length. I uploaded one earlier which was shorter and that went alright. Viewly also worked ok using useruploads but also had some bugs once I started to register.

I think those platforms have a lot of potential but also need some improvement.

Oh it's a great idea but it is not ready to be live at all.

whats weird is its been out for a long time. Were getting close to prime blockchain time in the eyes of the world and they are seriously dropping the ball! They have a real chance here to take over everything..

I have tried this many time and never succeeded to upload but I thought the problem in my internet or my laptop so I was scared to talk about it here but I see that all the users are suffering from the same problem and that made me sure that the problem is in dtube not in my internet or laptop

I thought the same thing at first which is why I kept trying. They need to shut the site down before Steem gets bad press.

they have 2 alternatives :
1- to shut the site down as you said
2- to make the developers solve the problem before it get bad press too


not only you @broncnutz , but all of us are suffering and I can tell you that you will have a bigger and more shit problem if you tried to watch a video there and that should be a call to the management od dtube to hire more professional developers to work on solving these problems if they really want to compete with youtube and I think the many users of steemit can help them to win this competition but if they don't solve the problem, the same users will help youtube not dtube however dtube is a better idea that it is linked to steemit

Man dtube has all the free advertising they need right here. This is why the big boys that produce awesome content on YouTube turn thier nose up at Steemit. Dtube associates itself kinda with Steemit and they put out a crap+crap+dumpster juice product at is a bad reflection of Steemit......which works pretty dang good for over a year.

yes, you are right but the users that know steemit well like us will keep steeming but the new ones that came to steemit because od dtube will not only leave dtubem but will leave steemit as well

I was able to upload to Dtube just to try it out about a month ago. The thing that I didn't like was when you clicked on the video, it took you out of the steemit site and onto Dtube. Ytube vids are embedded into your post.

amigo #resteemia at your service

'thanks you said it, otherwise I thought I was nut :)' nice post @broncnutz

'UpVote ReSteem Comment'

DTube seems to be worthless. It needs considerable amount of improvements before to get online. Users are facing too many issues everyday and one of these issues is the long wait for uploading video. This is annoying and will discourage users to upload videos over time if nothing is done by the devs to fix this issue. One important issue that i would like to highlight is the loading time to watch a video. Users have to wait 3-5mins even more before a video loads which is unacceptable despite the user Internet connection is fast.

This thing is an epic fail.....how disappointing

Yep @broncnutz you are right DTube is not a ready product for market,I tested it couples day before but i am not satisfied because you can't Embed more then 1 video in page and its layout for steemit post in not quite good have other bugs.

I think it should be clone and user friendly like YouTube

We hope better and advance tools for steemit community.

yah many authors facing the same problem, i hope the developers of D-Tube should look into it seriously soon. thanks for sharing

hahaha you have 1 problem with dtube bro @broncnutz and I'm crying here.
I can't upload any video to dtube since the day I joined and everytime I try, I get the same error message.
not that only but I can't even watch any video, videos are going slow and make me mad. the 5 minutes video takes more than 20 minutes to watch.
that really sucks and I don't know why the founder doesn't update it.
I can't believe I can't upload or even watch

Same here .. I tried to get in for three weeks .... and then when I get in... I could not post the video because he did not open the third task. And why it did not open this, it did not say. And that's all for a whole week, nothing I can not put up.

I feel your frustration man, I will never enter that site in my search bar again until I see FLOODS of videos being posted here.

wow frustration :)) me why :))

I'd rather have a consistent and I do not give up. Soon I am there back and it works :) because I believe in here steemit more then anything else out there. But this DTube it soon works... and we all are happy.

I do agree that dtube is an amazing concept. I'm the long term it will give steemit value against its competitors but at its current state it isn't he best. It is still in early development and I hope they are able to iron out all the problems it I've seen multiple people have upload problems as well as sometimes they are able to not load videos @broncnutz

Oh I'm sure it will get better sooner or later once somebody cares enough and is funded enough to do it right.

Thank you for raising this subject,whenever I want to watch videos posted by someone in dtube it doesn't work!It doesn't even work to see the pictures on Steemit sometimes,maybe with time it will be more convenient;)

Let's just hope it gets better. Hot garbage right now.

It does suck I've tried so many times and then I gave up. Old is gold (YouTube)

And i thought its only me....!!!

It's horrbale man.....it's so bad to launch a product that is not easy to use. Get your dam life together dtube.video!!!!

I will also upload my video let's see what will happen?

Keep me posted because I can get anywhere.

Yeah sure sir i will update you if i success.

Maybe you need one of those high speed internet connection instead of that 56kbps dial-up of yours? Lol just kidding.

Shoot....my internet is faster than OJ Simpson running from the cops.....

Lmao but he was "innocent" lol!

@broncnutz - Yes Sir, you are correct. It's not 100% accurate yet. Love your post Sir. People hard to say true about that tool. Therefore, I wish to ReSteem your post.

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

I am always getting problems when i want to play the video's uploaded to d-tube. I hope they fix it soon. It is a nice initiative but it has to work better.

Man, this must suck! It's work for me a few weeks ago. I think something may have changed since then.

That platform had some massive interface issues, to be honest. It just is not all there yet. I hope the devs can fix this all as I see it taking over the video sharing market if done right. Because who doesn't love money and video.

i think d-tube support only mp4 video!

Yet time I didn't joined Dtube that's why don't know about it!

I've uploaded several videos and they all work, so it's hard to relate.

that way i upload only 2 video on D-Tube

valuable post & great idea . 100% like and resteem

when will you place the videos? From which we can get to know What does your video want to tell?

It is great post and enjoyable process with good project. @broncnutz.

I tried watching videos in DTube but they were very slow to load but I had no problems watching videos in Youtube.

I have had similar issues trying to use the Dtube , is it short for douche tube?

Already this platform is trend, thanks for making this type of post that serve a lot ..

Friend I require your support for this project that is being done in my country and I know that you will support us with your vote
link: https://steemit.com/spanish/@votovzla/1er-concurso-mi-presentacion-con-votovzla

Greetings friend :)

even i faced a lot of program they got to work a lot in order to beat YouTube otherwise they will always be the 1st choice.

I think "dtube" is another wonderful communication platform....like youtube..
I always try upload dtube videos...
But not success to yet...
Bcz...I dont know correctly how do this....
But....I try and try every day...
Nice post @broncnutz sir...

You have to be patient while uploading the video.
Let the circles for uploading stop and it will show a green tick mark, then your video is uploaded.
I have done one amazing video yesterday
If you want you can check
Feel free to ask if you want anything else

I will also upload my video let's see what will happen?

It's a fantastic idea. this information ok. @broncnutz.

Yeah, they definitely should have made it run more smoothly before releasing it. One of the worst things that can happen is having people excited for your project then be disappointed with the results. Hope they bug fix quickly.

Honestly I don't think DTube will ever be the decentralized Youtube people are hoping for. It just ain't good enough to handle that task... But it's a good alternative for now. Probably once EOS comes someone will make a solid version that might take Youtube down eventually.

Many more updates are needed as for it to run smoothly
hope it gets well and enjoyable with time
or else no chance of competing with YOUTUBE

Yea bro i also tried many times to upload video in dtube it upload but not a video just a click of photo and i just leave to upload video in dtube.
Any ways nice idea and great post @broncnutz

and it stuck while playing too and people say that you are making excuse to not to watch video :( i told it too many times this is a good step but it need to be upgraded quite well

You are right @broncnutz.... Few day ago I saw a post here on Steemit, the post is embedded with a dtube video.... The video was so laggy that I escaped from the post.... My internet speed was fast and working well... Only dtube is working slow....

Dude so sorry to hear about the issues, but it's good to know! I was thinking about trying to upload videos there soon. But I will shy away from that for the time being. Thank God embedding YouTube videos on here isn't hard tho! Go Broncos

I've had the same problem uploading one of my videos which was about 5 minutes in length. I uploaded one earlier which was shorter and that went alright. Viewly also worked ok using useruploads but also had some bugs once I started to register.

Gracias por compartir información @broncnutz

This post received a 3% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @broncnutz! For more information, click here!

Dtube really sucks!

Great post @broncnutz

Upvoted and resteemed

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