One Month on YouTube | Borna Zuber - My 1st Month of MAKING YouTube Videos

in #dtube5 years ago

I started this YouTube channel one month ago and this is my first month on YouTube!
Hi everyone my name is Borna Zuber, around 60 videos are out so far and finished my First Month of YouTube.
In this video, I wanted to tell You the brief story about how it started, where it's now, and where it's going.


This YouTube video is part of my VLOG series of videos:

I started filming these videos without much preparation just Vlog style talking and walking, sharing my thoughts and ideas.

Life outside of Croatia is the first apart of the channel where I keeping in touch with people from Croatia and give them some info on Ireland and what's going on. Soon I will add the Success section of this channel-focusing on self-improvement and learning and making more money and finding happiness.

This whole process is a Slow process-patience is the key skill here, but i am Not in a hurry i know its a marathon not a sprint.
Subscribers- 30 when i made the video

One of the first GOALS for YouTube is to become a YouTube Partner(1000 subscribers and 4000 hours of watch time)
It would be ideal to get it until next year in July.

I am sorry that the Video was CUT in the end but that brings me to the final point which is the short-term goals-
Editing Fixing videos, making them better, cutting out the unimportant stuff and focusing on the main parts

  • NEW content coming soon and I will constantly learn and improve my abilities

And of course on YouTube it's about people, so if you know someone who would be interested in this kind of channel, feel free to tell him about me, save the video and feel free to post me on other social networks:

I use both Snapchat and Tik Tok so feel free to ADD me there
INSTAGRAM: zuber_borna LINKEDIN: Borna Zuber TWITTER: @BornaZuber And the Steemit Platform for Mini Blogs @BornaZuber

BLOG(Still Under Construction):

Thank you all for being here, see you in the following video: D