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RE: The core concepts of DTube's new blockchain

in #dtube6 years ago

While Avalon doesn't technically have author rewards, the first-voter advantage is strong, and the author has the advantage of always being the first voter, so the author can still earn from his potentially original creations, he just needs to commit some voting power on his own contents to be able to publish.

i am lost with this one. so there is no author rewards and only thing author earns is his own vote? i feel i got this wrong, or at least i hope i got it wrong.


sorry i am lost with this. so i vote 1dtc on my content, and then i have 10 votes after mine that are all upvotes , what are my earnings on that other upvotes?

so i theory (removing downvotes) as long as someone is voting on something, everybody that voted before get a part of it?

over my brain thing. i will just have to see it in work.

thanks for trying.