Dtube Real Talk: Stop Talking So Much About Dtube!

in #dtube7 years ago

Hey guys!

Just a little PSA for all of my fellow vloggers who wish to take Dtube to the next level! Step up your game and branch out! We need to start creating more content to draw users in to Dtube and Steemit! That doesn't mean we can't still do daily updates, but follow the lead of those like @kevinli who are making entertaining, funny content that can be shared on other social media platforms!

We are all excited about this platform, and it's important to talk about it, but we need other types of content too! Let's get out there and make it then! Make it, share it, draw new people in, expand the platform!

Let me know what you think!!

Love ya guys!


▶️ DTube

There are a lot of people doing other stuff.. but they never make it to the Trending or Hot pages of DTube because.... ....... 🥁.....

........DTube does not upvote them :D

Exactly. So well noted @adetorrent !

Yes, I've noticed that the trending and hot pages are filled with DTube related stuff. With how big their upvote is, it's pretty worth it to make videos about DTube.

Well I think the biggest thing to consider is whether or not your content directly benefits Dtube to some capacity. It doesn't even have to talk about Dtube necessarily, but does it benefit the platform? And if it doesn't at the moment, then should an app in its infancy be using its delegation just to upvote content that people like to upload?

I see this dilemma a lot. The bottom line is, you have to consider your audience. Right now that's a bunch of tech bro douchebags, no offense. I would love to just be posting videos of myself doing Broadway covers. I'm really good, not to toot my own horn, but who would watch that right now?

I have experimented with a LOT of different videos, and I have seen a lot of videos come through the pipeline. Most people see the upvoted videos, most of which in some way directly benefit Dtube, and think "oh I will make videos that I like to make so I can get upvotes as well, completely dismissing the very relevant detail that most vloggers on there right now cater their content to their audience. I am trying to do both: cater to my current audience, and attract a new audience. Hitting a happy medium if you will.

Dtube is still in its infancy and recognized the disparity in voting, but users also have to have some self-reflection as to whether or not there is even an audience for their content.

Yes, I do think there is a big tech creator group right now. I mean, it makes sense because most people on Steemit seem to be a little more tech savvy than the general population on the internet.

I do think audience is important. If your audience loves to hear how great DTube is, than make content for them. Growing a new audience is defiantly harder than catering to your own. At the current rate of the value of Steem, you don't need a lot of an audience to get a big income, so there is somewhat of no incentive to grow big audiences.

The problem is that users who use DTube longer have more voting power and are also more interested in Videos relating to DTube, I guess.

I agree. I’m new to DTube but I’m interested more on the new videos rather than the trending or hot videos because it has more varieties

What you are saying is very true and this has been a reoccurring topic since 2016. At first some of the large STEEM holders tried to reward stuff heavily that wasn't crypto related and some of that was good and some of it was so over weight on a few content creators that a lot of people just left the platform.

One of the reasons that happens so much is because people subconsciously see that some of the top rewarded people are just talking about STEEM and DTube so then everyone else starts doing that as well.

Then in the defense of anyone trying to curate on the platform or look for original content if people aren't talking about Steemit or DTube they sort of have this feeling that it is thrown up there by someone that is throwing it out to other platforms as well and it doesn't seem like they made as much effort to actually be apart of this community.

This platform is having a hard time every escaping the situation you are talking about and it all goes back to a messed up distribution from the beginning. Everyone on here in 2016 knows the situation and a lot of people just hope that people won't realize it or the problem will somehow go away but it won't entirely go away.

That's interesting. I know a lot of crazy things happened in 2016. I didn't start until November of last year, so I wasn't around for any of that, obviously. I think the best of both worlds is to kind of ease the way like @kevinli and I have been. We are making shareable content that is funny and that people might watch that aren't even on here yet, but that not-so-subtly advertise for the platform. That obviously doesn't have to be forever, but it's at the very least a nice segue into more normal content.

Yeah I hear you. There was certain content that I would put up that seemed to be of no interest almost to anyone with any power on here. I think that a lot of people went through something similar to that. Also Steemit to me is pretty PC. Sometimes it almost feels like a corporate environment in a way. I have estimated the average age around 30-35 years old on here and I have noticed that anyone under the age of about 25 seems to be totally not interested in this platform which is an interesting observation considering they will waste endless hours on Snapchat and Instagram for no money. There are a couple exceptions to that and they mainly had immediate whale support and don't really interact with the community. They just get the guaranteed upvotes and keep going.

The sense of community is great and all, but perhaps that in and of itself is part of the problem. The notion that everything has to be “for the good of the community”, instead of just welcoming any and all content as valid content (assuming somebody likes it). There’s definitely validity to being concerned about the well-being of the community and platform as well, but as with everything... balance is key.

That's true. Though even YouTube has a community. There are those that just "use" YouTube, and those that are part of the YouTube community. Those who are part of the community are the ones making money.

ok but I just have one question.....what is dtube?

The irony is....you're right...and this is a video about Dtube. I'm still working on a niche for myself. I have to create new content I don't know enough to be helpful with this platform, but I'm learning by watching people like you. 😀 thanks for sharing.

Yes I recognized the irony the moment I wrote it. Though, in all fairness, the video is about making engaging content more than it is about Dtube. I understand the potential hypocrisy however, haha.

Well I feel like you just said in the video, I registered my steemit yesterday. Today I uploaded my first video on dtube, and I don't really know how to show it to more people. I mean should I only put the right tags and share it on my steemit blog? Should I just keep my fingers crossed that someone will upvote my video and it will get to hot videos or can I do anything more to spread the message? :D

Yeah, D.tube is full of d.tube hype, people should stop it and do other stuff.
Maybe most of popular people are getting upvotes and lots of money because it is the only thing that they can do to attract others.
Videos about d.tube are awarded by dtube channel, it means a money.
That's my opinions about that topic 🙂

That is true, though I have heard some dtube people talking about wanting more quality content. It will be interesting to see what they do with it once they start getting more of it though.

Your background looks so nice. I totally agree with you here. One thing that has changed my steemit and dtube experience is ginabot. I can finally get directly to the content I want to see. I found the artists, the unschoolers, and the quality content curators.

The problem with steemit is that it's freaking hard to use. It's not user friendly, you have to really want to make it work. I've been uploading to dtube daily and the upload fails often. It takes forever and then I don't know if I'll even be able to post. How do you do it with longer videos? All of my videos are under 5 minutes and it's a complete pain in the ass.

I actually use a program that I downloaded called Handbrake. I have a Mac so I don't know what the equivalent program is on a PC, but it basically compresses my videos. They upload much more smoothly to Dtube, so it works really well! Sometimes though, the server is just down, and I can't upload anything! Dtube is still working out a lot of kinks.

And I agree that Steemit is an insane clusterfuck. Hahaha. It's no wonder that so many help videos exist. Without them, I would certainly be lost. I think eventually things will improve, I just hope things don't all collapse before then!

Thanks for the handbrake tip. I'm using a Mac so I'll check it out.

Agreed wholeheartedly. I actually just posted an article that brings up this issue, as well as others. Check it out if you’re interested: https://steemit.com/steemit/@aws77/a-beginner-s-view-of-crypto-and-steemit-dtube

This is so true! All i'm seeing on d.tube is people talking about platform itself. I'm new here and i'm not saying this is something bad, but we really do need quality content. Something we can share on social networks... I'm thinking about starting a music channel, do you think that's a good idea to spread steem around mainstream social networks?

Yes. As long as it is also visually stimulating, I think that is a great idea.

I agree with this. I think part of it has to do with DTube giving their upvote to these types of videos, and with how much money it's worth, it makes sense to make video like that. There is some shareable content on here, but not nearly as much as their should be.

Howdy we have made the move from you tube to d tube and could not agree with you more on this video as we are still learning the ropes on steemit

Thank you Jesus christ

Exactly what I'm thinking. Noone is gonna care about a plattform that is entirely meta-discussion

Also, they need to get an actual designing team to create a more unique look for the site. Afaik the youtube-ripoff is temporary at the moment so get on it Dtube team!! Maybe experiment with some features youtube hasn't got or aren't emphasizing as much at the moment (for example audio-only streaming capabilities?)

I do agree but I think the likeness is so that people come to the website and know exactly what dtube is.

Yeah but it can look similar while not being an obvious ripoff. No website/project ever got big by copying another and not taking risks

@bethwheatcraft I agree, we need to expand and support unique creators on @dtube and the account with the most power right now deciding what makes trending is @dtube. I just posted a video parodying some videos @dtube upvoted today. If they really want to support new creators they'd upvote this post... https://steemit.com/dtube/@antonioscore/9tr53lmm

This was AMAZING and hilarious! Have you been to the Dtube Discord? You really need to head over there if you haven't yet. I can talk to you in some more detail about a few things! You are so funny! You have to keep making content, and Dtube has gotta see it! :)

I cant say it enough. I want to see other stuff besides crypto, Dtube and Steem videos. I dont really care if my videos get any attention, but I would like to come here and find something besides the same old shit. Which is why I like your stuff. It is not always sucking Dtube stick.

Great message! I’m new to DTube and looking forward to uploading videos. Upvoted for you

I’m more interested in looking in New Videos. They have more varieties than the trending or hot videos. Same creators on trending all the time. What’s up with that ?

How can I down vote ur post? So ignorant. No option on my mobile device... u should b happy I have no power with my votes.

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The thing is, DTube has some issues on the desktop mode, on my phone it works perfect, but when I try to upload something from my laptopt it s impossinle..I hope the issue will be fix soon...but as a platform I like DTube more than Dlive.

True dat!

I agree 100% with you bethwheatcraft. I'm still a noob and just learning the ropes. I can't wait to "unleash my creativity upon Dtube"! :-) Thanks for all your great vids!

Have no idea what the difference is in uploading a Dtube video and a video on steemit page?

Thank you!!! You're one of the first people with a good following who I've seen touch on this. DTube as it stands is just swamped by vlogs that for the lack of a better word, pander, to a crowd that already exists. I've seen some interesting music channels that seem promising, and gaming could definitely lead to a big active community too. Hopefully my crappy videos might get better and I can throw my stuff in the ring, but it's definitely hard to compete with the platform as is, flooded with vlogs.

Yes it is definitely a vlogging world around here. I am desperately trying to combat that and draw attention to it though! Keep posting!

Will do!! Hopefully they get picked up sooner or later :)

Hi Beth, I'm glad you're out here posting. I really want to try and stake out a living with Crypto. I also struggled with an answer on whether or not I saddle with the Steem platform or split my audience to Patreon and YouTube.

This tells me that the Steem community at-large is a great loving crowd who really care about profitting off their own work.

Just some friendly advice, as much as you talk about wanting to raise the bar for DTube keep in mind that numerous "selfie" vlogs will distract from your larger video installment.

Anyway, looking forward to seeing your videos and stories. :)

Yes, well I am trying to stake out a living with crypto as well. Unfortunately, it takes a good amount of time to make my other video installments, and sometimes they are not even upvoted, so the daily selfie videos are necessary to keep some sort of an income coming in!

Totally reasonable! Just wanted to... help keep ya grounded I guess :D

We're all in this together.

Totes! I appreciate the input!