We have to BAN planned obsolescence. Greedy companies waste resources in their quest for repeat sales.
The Soviet Union made some great products that were built to last. Many Soviet designed and built trucks, tools, and rifles are proof that we can use our resources for generations instead of months.
Examples, Make homes imdestructable and able to last for generations. Make cars that last 1,000,000 miles, Tires too. Make phones that are indestructable and upgradable. Make refridgerators and washing machines like this too. The land fills would not have as much wasted resources in them. People would not have to work endlessly or take on credit to buy things either.
Good luck getting that with consumerism. The only way that will change is if the big finances want it to. Take this faux green movement. That didn’t happen organically on a large scale, it happened when fossil fuel companies were ready to invest in something else.
You may be correct but I am designing things right now. We can do this one great product at a time. A good start would the upgradable phone. We shall see.
Yeah, it would be cool to take one of the smart phones and strip it completely bare of an operating system and go from there.