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RE: Monkee Business : Daily Journal #8

in #dtube6 years ago

Planking is fun, but guess what? It's hard work, too! It exercises that stomach muscle! As we use our muscles, sometimes they build up that Lactic Acid. If we work too hard, sometimes, its hard for the body to get rid of it so fast. that's why, athletes sometimes go see a trainer, or a massage therapist. they help rub muscles to get the lactic acid to flow out.
I am hoping you get good with plants, too. what kind of plants does GrandAunty grow?

Would I ever get bored reading this journal?
No... when you first started, you never heard of quite a few things. Can you tell me what Contrails are? Or Lactic Acid?
Or even that Giant Clam I had? (Tridacna) Or about animals, and oceans and plants. You are learning so much and teaching me so much, too!

Today's points: 100
Total To date earned: 430

Well DONE! @azuredorsal for @spunkeemonkee