@mericanhomestead Consider me a displaced homesteader. However, I have clear values and goals to put my plans into operation. I had lots of practice where I located before for 25 years in Northern Maryland.
Peach and Plum trees tend to have weak crotches unlike the Pomes (Apples and Pears). Indeed, fruit trees need to be pruned hard. Your Peach tree has a weak crotch regardless of any of your efforts. Everything in homesteading is a learning experience. Farmers/gardeners/homesteaders tend to beat up on themselves if anything dies.
Just cut off the entire branch. Then you want to open the core of the tree and make it squat. Take out all cross branches, waterspouts, and branches that are non-perpendicular. (They do not have to be a perfect 90 degrees, but 45 or below is not acceptable.) Weak crotches are taken out, so there is virtually nothing to split in various storms. If you have Bradford Pears around you, then you understand precisely.
The shape design allows for airflow, sunlight, and easier fruit picking.
One other suggestion is that non-pome fruit trees are susceptible to some afflictions and liquefying fresh raw garlic and spraying on and around your trees will hold things in check. Additionally, I had applied Paenibacillus popilliae and Steinernema feltiae. I attracted Yellow Jackets and built Toad homes (posted on this a day ago) to have them dwell.
If you have any questions, you can DM me on Steemit chat or find me on the Slack Homesteaders. Be well.