Some very DEEP questions today! Thanks to @inalittlewhile @amarbir @zord189 & @jaynie
Here are their questions:
Outside of your immediate family, is there a person (or persons) who has been positively impacted through the changes in your own life? If so, can you describe that impact and the process of how it came about?@inalittlewhile - Today at 12:34 AM
What is your most favorite movie?@amarbir - Today at 4:33 AM
How would you use these three things in life?
-Money@zord189 - Today at 2:06 PM
Considering you have overcome quite a great deal in life already, what would you consider you greatest "current" weakness... and how do you intend to overcome it?
► Listen on DSound
► Listen from source (IPFS)@jaynie - Today at 2:18 PM
This kid is your son or brother
Please help me upvote have oke
Beautiful post,nic kid.
if i got power i use my power on girls hehehehe
Handsome kid you gat..
Thank you :)
This is the very good helpful post. Thanks for share.
DTube is the new sensation in the virtual world. So, get ready Steemian Friends.
finally the real questions, right?)))) unfortunately I haven't really been following, but I seem to always get the most important your posts
Thanks :) - yeah, hard, deep questions :)
you answer , do it!)))))
dsound is one of the best creation under steemit...
the kid is nise...
wonderful post
Very good post
Very many good answers to many good questions. I could answer the same to most. Good post.
nice pic sir & your son's very cute.
I want the power. Cause it is the best.
Firstly I love your accent! ☺ I also love how vulnerable you are in your posts and that you aren't afraid to answer tough questions. It is nice to read and listen to something so authentic! @raymondspeaks
Thank you - I'm trying to keep up with the awesome creation! Thanks for listening :)
Status, money, and power are 3 things that can be used in a positive way as well as an extremely negative way.
It would take great willpower to keep valuable morals that would overpower the urge to make morally-wrong actions.
-Steven Pomilia
I tend to give power to those that don't want it. Those are the best choices :)
of course the majority
I like your post, I also always think how to be like you, help me to be like you because I'm still a beginner, thanks, best regards
Consistent, quality, original material :) - Come up with an idea that you would like to do and run with it :)
thanks for the input I will do so I can be successful like you, give me support from you because I am new beginner who want to succeed like you, best regards
Start by not spamming the same comment everywhere?
gemana means with spamming and everywhere pal, sorry I have not mengersayaasih need a lot to learn
Wonderful kids...u look like
Dear happy journy
I've never seen Shutter Island. I am going to have to look for it on Netflix next time I get a chance to sit down and watch a movie. Have you ever seen One Who Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest? That was a pretty good older movie about patients in a mental hospital. I loved Passengers! I am a huge Jennifer Lawrence fan. I have only seen bits and pieces of Shawshank Redemption... I really need to watch it all the way through. If you can't tell, I really love movies too.
I've always said money, power, and status can be dangerous for anyone. I seen it even happen in that church I told you about that fell apart. It was ridiculous to see how people would fight over power and position. It is very tempting, and even if you don't want it to change you... it does somehow.
Yeah, Big J Law fan myself too. Definitely watch Shutter Island - that film is ammaaazing! :)
I think money, power and status will only change you if you let it. It's definitely easier to be influenced by the opportunity have such creates :)
Sorry it took me so long to answer - and thanks for listening :)
It's no problem! I am realizing during the week it is really hard for me to do steemit, other than responses and 1 post if that. Work just takes too much of my day away. So I completely understand.
Btw - you gave me some sbd - thank you sooo much. I really appreciate that kind gesture :)
You're welcome!
Thank you very much for answering my question bro 😁🍌.
No problemo bro :)