Causing more trouble Lord Janton? I guess when people spam the blockchain as much as you do with toilet comments then you're going to get someone in. Thanks for the "compliment", I think lol
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Causing more trouble Lord Janton? I guess when people spam the blockchain as much as you do with toilet comments then you're going to get someone in. Thanks for the "compliment", I think lol
Posted using Partiko Android
lol! yes you are very welcome sir nickyhavey and yes, that was a compliment with all the love in my heart that I could possibly muster! lol. Speaking of love, how did all the muscians end up, is everything calm now and people are getting along?
Regarding getting someone else in, I've only had 3 other people chime in but they didn't attack me they just said hey is this for real, are you really angry? lol. And the people I'm teasing think it's hilarious because they know we're just joking and they think it's funny that I was the one who got caught. Hey, not everyone gets redneck humor! lol.
Thanks for asking Lord Janton! Well the dust has settled as far as I can see and everyone is moving on as I was hoping it would. Things move quickly in the online world and even faster in the blockchain world so in a month it will probably all be forgotten!
Posted using Partiko Android
oh good. And everyone will be holding hands and hugging each other again? (fighting the gag reflex) That would be wonderful wonderful and more wonderful on top of wonderful. Makes my heart sing. And you will lead this love fest?
I won't be hugging anyone but if you want to join in the frivolities then go for it! I don't think it's quite hippy power but with a few loved up rednecks I'm sure it would spread some happiness around. Lord knows this blockchain needs it right now!
Posted using Partiko Android
There are some fights and battles going on that make your hair stand on end! Such vile disgusting hatred. I don't know if it's just talk but it seems if people were confronting each other in the physical world they would be killing each other! It's disturbing. And those are just the Europeans! I'm just teasing about that, probably from all over.
Loved up rednecks would almost be as dangerous! lol.
Are you still talking about steem here? I haven't seen anything that bad but then they probably wouldn't do anything to each other in the real world because there's no screen to hide behind! Unless you're talking about the mass shootings that do actually happen in real life... in your back yard... I heard a harrowing statistic that there have been more mass shootings this year in the USA than there have been DAYS IN THE YEAR SO FAR!
We need those loved up rednecks to spread the peace over there!
Howdy sir nickyhavey! Yes I'm talking about Steemit, vicious, horrible fighting going on. Oh, you haven't seen any of those? Well, maybe musicians don't do that and you are in that alternate section of steemit where things are not quite real. lol.
I think you're right about actually doing something in real life, or at least I hope so.
As far as the mass shootings figure, no that's propoganda from the left and the left wing media. They are including the shootings in our big cities known for gang warfare and that happens almost nightly like in Detroit and Chicago. So that isn't true at all.
That's true about the rednecks though. We love our guns and beer but when it comes to fighting we use our fists! Guns are strictly for hunting or defense. Never offense. I will stop writing now because I'm passionate about the subject!