Hi Jerry!
I'm a health fanatic! :)
"All disease begins in the gut" -Hippocrates. (it may seem ironic or even implausible when a "lesson" on longevity seems 2500 years old, but there are a lot of research on the subject.)
And these are my practices for longevity. Well, of course, time will tell. As you know, research never ends!
- I DON'T eat CEREALS, especially WHEAT!. The wheat we eat today is not the same wheat we ate before. It's genetically manipulated by Norman Ernest Borlaug and he was awarded a Nobel Prize for "killing" the wheat once and for all (note: Nobel Prizes shouldn't be taken seriously for a variety of reasons and this is definitely one of them). "The wheat" now contains a very aggressive, dangerous form of gluten which slowly damages the gut, and leads serious trouble of all kinds. Whether you have gluten intolerance or not, wheat, oat, barley and rye are harmful to your gut.
- "Exercise is medicine" - I perform Five Tibetan Rites everyday (for flexibility and strength), and once I finish them, I do some pull-ups and push-ups. My own "planking" record is 6+ minutes now (can definitely be better).... I also walk a lot...
^ Video
"71 Year Old Woman Breaks World Planking Record!" - She did it. (By the way, we have a new record now, but it's not the point. She was 71 years old and she did it! ) - Take DEEP breaths, breathe DEEP... Your breath is your LIFE!. Breathing is vital to your health. This is a subject worth investing time. Are you breathing correctly? Do your own search, it will worth it!
We can live a few days without food, but we would be dead without air in just a few minutes. Breathe in from the nose, and breathe out from the nose again. - Meditate!
- There are some moments when antibiotics can be beneficial; but as much as you can, try to avoid using them and use them only when they are really needed. They kill the "friendly bacteria" in your gut. If for whatever reason you need to use an "antibiotic", use a "probiotic" supplement to support your "friendly bacteria".
- I don't eat animal based foods, except Yogurt (home made, we make our own Yogurt. Yogurt is vital for gut health and for having a good amount of "friendly bacteria") - Plant based practices are the way to go!
Everything we eat, and everything we drink comes from the soil itself! Also,
we don't have the right to do this to animals, even in the most "civilized"
conditions. They have their right to live!
Documentary: "EARTHLINGS" - Intermittent Fasting should be considered:
^ Video: "Why fasting bolsters brain power" - I also use some supplements. I know some are against using these,
but as always, the soil is not the same soil it used to be once. We're killing it with our so-called agricultural practices, so it mostly doesn't contain all the substances we need anymore. We're poisoning our most precious with dangerous practices and we live on a planet where MONSANTO is the good guy! I use antioxidants (Resveratrol, Astaxanthin), Melatonin (sleep hormone... Our body naturally produces it but it can be produced only in full darkness! Looks familiar? We don't have enough darkness anymore with all these cell-phones , tablets and monitors! We always look at these screens, all the time! "Melatonin" is definitely a subject to dive in and there are a lot of research on that), Coenzyme Q-10, Vitamin D, OMEGA 3 ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS (You should always prefer an Omega 3 supplement that comes in "triglyceride" form! Check IFOS Website for their fish oil ratings! > http://www.nutrasource.ca/ifos/product-reports/default.aspx),
and also, CURCUMIN (A substance in Turmeric), and of course a vitamin/mineral supplement two to three times a week.
AS ALWAYS, these are my "health practices", and my own decisions, Jerry.
Always ask a doctor first! :)
Kind Regards, Petros