
Usually 3 weekends a month. Why NOT do it? 😁

Haha, if you mean why don’t I take a paid EMT position instead, the answer is because I value being able to do it so infrequently and on my own schedule and terms. Part time EMTs usually have a few more requirements than volunteers as far as hours go.

ok I get it, it's just that most people would never consider working at anything for free! Or am I a pessimist!

I mean people volunteer all the time, right? I just happen to do it on a more frequent basis. Lawyers work pro bono, people volunteer in soup kitchens and animal shelters... lots of people “work” for free.

I don’t really see it as work though. In a 12 hour shift I’m actually “working” at most 3 hours normally. The rest of the time I’m sleeping, reading, writing, or watching a movie or something. It’s almost like a little getaway, haha (don’t tell my wife I said that 😳)

haha! a little get away, yes that could become addictive.

as far as the other point about people working for free, that's different if it's working at soup kitchens or something. Most people would not want the stress and responsibility of working an ambulance for free, at least to me that's a whole different ball game and they wouldn't want the responsibility.
you forgot to put "posting" in your list of things to do while you're waiting on calls! lol

Hah! Yep I do a fair amount of that too 😉

I guess I never thought of it like that. The responsibility and stress doesn’t get to me in a bad way, though I do feel it. I guess it’s a different kind of stress than I’m used to. You don’t take it home with you the same way I do with my day job, where I’m never “done” at the end of the day and there’s always stuff hanging over my head. To me, that’s way worse, hah.

oh wow dollarsandsense what kind of stuff is never done in your customer service job?

Oof, everything. Defects that need to be fixed, escalations that aren't resolved, meetings that haven't happened yet but need to, enhancements that are on the horizon, quality problems, conflicts with coworkers... too much!