My Steem Super Stars: An Interview with @booster916

in #dsound7 years ago (edited)

Master at fitting a ton into a day - @booster916


For my Steem super stars, I've been contacting my favorite Steemians and asking if I can pick their brains about Steem, and I'm really happy today that Tino @Booster916 has agreed to an interview.


Helen: Can you tell me a little bit more about yourself and what did you do before Steemit?

Tino: Oh yeah, so my first my name is Tino. I'm 24 years old and I am born in Germany, but my parents are from Croatia, and I'm living near Frankfurt. I guess you will know Frankfurt when you know Germany. We have the biggest airport, I guess. And, I'm studying mechanical engineering ... that's pretty cool stuff because I love physics and to assemble and disassemble things. It's like LEGO, just way more expensive.

I also love motorcycles. I own 5 motorcycles at the moment for the racetrack and for the street. Also, love gymnastics and sports in general. I'm training five times a week, and that's something pretty important to me.

What can I say else? I am a very curious person, I want to know everything, I'm interested in everything, I want to understand everything, how things work, and why they work. I'm the kind of person that can be your best friend. You can have many fun with me, but I can also be your worst nightmare if you don't treat me well.



Helen: How did you find out about Steemit, and how long have you been on Steemit?

Tino: So, I found out about Steemit when I started my researches about cryptocurrencies. That was around August 2017, so I am pretty late in the cryptocurrency world. I've read about Steem and read the White, and Blue Paper, and I found the possibilities that Steem has a kind of endless ... because they are way ahead to other social media ideas like Facebook or YouTube or anything else.

And, that's very interesting because the people that are posting and creating content get rewards by other people and that's something that I really like idea ... and right now Steem is also ... yeah, there are other platforms and Dapps that are starting to copy all other social networks like, we have dtube for example, that's like a copy of youtube, but on a Steem Blockchain.

We have dmania instead of 9gag, or many other Dapps and that's very interesting and nice and I think in the long run, all people from the other social medias will switch to Steem-based Blockchain social media and, because of that, I really believe in the Steemit platform, and that's why I invested into Steemit, and that's how I found out about it. And, I bought my first Steem in September, and I started with posting in October 2017, until now.



Helen: Okay, so you did ... next question, will you invest into Steem of monetary investments ... is that how you started, a little bit? Or you purely creating content to generate Steem now?

Tino: So, in the beginning I bought about 150 Steem and 50 SteemDollars, not sure about the correct numbers but something like that. That was my first invest, and a few weeks ago I also switch my Litecoin into steem because I did not want to hold my Litecoin anymore. And, from now on, I plan to just create good content to gain more Steem and Steempower, and not invest anymore, and hodl my other cryptocurrencies, but, yeah ...



Helen: Cool ... did you use a lot of social media before Steemit, or do you still use them now?

Tino: I just use Facebook and Instagram, and ... but I wasn't really active at them. I used Facebook just because of my motorcycle group I'm a member of, because we are 5,000 bikers in Germany in this group, and it's hard to stay in touch with them without social media. So, that was kind of the early ... I'm missing the English word now ... so, it was the only reason why I had Steemit ... why I had Facebook. And, since I'm on Steemit, I'm last active in Facebook and Instagram, because, when I'm bored, I don't chill at Facebook and Instagram, and look at funny videos, or something like that. I use my time productive when I look at Steemit posts and comment and read posts from other people.



Helen: Would you say Steemit has changed your life in any way?

Tino: Yeah, I'm sure it did because I'm putting way much time into Steemit, and minimum of 3 hours a day, so of course it had affected my life, and I'm trying to do daily posts. I'm trying to impress some people and show them my experience in life I had made, or just the things I learned, so they can also improve and try to motivate them and ... doing .... posting stuff like that, that can give people some momentum to move on.

And, I guess that also affects me and my content creation ... my skills about editing videos, posting and writing ... and also, my English skills have improved since then pretty much, when I made my first vlog, my English skills were not that good ... I couldn't speak that freely, but now, just in a couple of weeks I have improved really good.



Helen: You have. What's the one thing that you wished you knew at the beginning of your Steemit journey?

Tino: Oh, there are many things. I guess the most ... the biggest thing I wanted to know in the beginning would be ... if I have known that Dtube upvotes some posts with a very big amount, even if you are a plankton or a minnow, the upvotes are pretty huge. If I knew that in the beginning, I would start making vlogs and videos from the beginning and not wasting my two months in the beginning with just memes or ... it was what I started in Steemit when I came to the platform.



Helen: Okay. And, what three pieces of advice would you give a newbie Steemian just starting out?

Tino: The beginning can be pretty hard. I'm also ... I would call myself also a kind of newbie. I'm not that big at Steem at the moment, and ... the beginning can be pretty hard when you don't have your audience, and you're not sure what content to post about.

And, when a content doesn't get much upvotes, but ... my first advice would be that you be persistent, and move on, even if you don't get the rewards. Someday, there will be people that recognize your hard work and you will get your upvotes you deserve. And, that will give you much momentum and motivation to move on.

Another advice would be that you learn as much as you can about the platform ... how it works, and read all the tutorials out there. There are over 150 I've read from Jerry Banfield ... yet links in his posts about all the tutorials.

I have read them all to understand how the platform works, and how to make the best out of your posts ... of your voting power, and how to ... yeah, how to do the best with the things with the tools you have at Steemit.

And, the third advice ... use GINAbot ... GINAbot is just the best thing you can have at Steemit, and that will help you really a lot.



Helen: I agree. On the GINAbot ... well all of that advice, actually. Are there any tools or apps that make your life in Steemit easier? You just mentioned GINAbot.

Tino: Yeah, GINAbot it really the best thing I have and the best tool, because she can just do anything. She shows you your upvotes, and who upvoted you, and you can recognize these people, and upload them too, and read their content. And, you can see who's active at your platform, and who is not.

And, the best thing is ... you can see all the comments that you get on your posts ... and also the older posts. So, when you don't have GINAbot, you don't look at your older posts after three, four, five days. But, GINAbot still sends notifications about that, and you can answer them. And, that is pretty nice.

You also get notifications when your followers post new posts ... you can just set GINAbot up as you like it, and that was really one of the best tools.

Another tool I use is SteemNow. That's a tool from Penguinpablo that shows you ... the voting power is the most ... I look at that because the voting power is pretty important to keep in mind.

And, you can also see when you split your vote how much you can upvote the posts, or comments from other peoples. And, you also see your potential payout, your latest author rewards, your curation rewards, and the current payout of your posts ... and that is pretty nice.

So, that are the two tools I use mainly, but there are many other things and tools that you can use too at Steemit.



Helen: There are a lot. Do you have a Steemit related project or series you're working on that you'd like to talk about?

Tino: Yeah, one of my projects is my daily Vlog, or sometimes a blog when I don't have time to make a video about it. It's called "Road to Glory", and describes my way to ... self improvement and how I move on at Steemit, at my sports, at my university, at my motorcycles, at everything.

Yeah, it's kind of like a small biography from day-to-day, and I think it motivates many people out there. I have read much positive comments, and maybe it helps some people to gain some momentum, some motivation, and to move on and become better persons of their selves.

So, I have also many projects in my mind, but the problem is, you can just work good at one or two things at once, and so, right now I'm doing my "Road to Glory" posts, and plan to post in the next month about ... Yeah, self improvement and motivation are the things that I really like, and I will make a post series here about it in the next month.

And also when the motorcycle season starts around April, I will start to post my motorcycles and how life at the racetrack is, and some things like that. So, that will be my bigger projects in my next two months.



Helen: Sounds good. Who are your inspirations on Steemit?

Tino: There are many really interesting people out there, and I'm following many people that post really interesting content. But, @valorforfreedom was the one that inspirated me the most. I joined his self improvement group: The Berserkers. And that gave me really much motivation ... the group is pretty strict, but when you want to improve, you have to give your best, and I gave my best, I gave 110 percent to improve.

That helped me also in real life, and at Steemit, and I'm really thankful for that. All his posts are really inspirational. His Steemit School posts are pretty good for the newbies. I recommend you ... if you are new at Steemit, to read them ... that will help you a lot ... if you apply them.

So, you, of course, also post very interesting posts, and I'm read them since I saw the post from @valorforfreedom. I saw also your posts, and I resteem them from time-to-time, because they are really, really interesting.

And, other people ... so, @JerryBanfield is "Mr. Steemit" himself. And, he's also a pretty cool guy. I'm also reading and watching his videos and posts. Everybody know him ... probably those three of the most awesome ones that I'm following at the moment, but there are many, many others, but that would take too much time, I guess.



Helen: What would you advise about creating quality content?

Tino: So, taking the time you need to post quality content would be my biggest one, because I have seen many posts that took maybe five minutes, and that's how the editing looks, and how their message looks, and that are posts that don't get upvotes, even if the message is maybe good. So, take your time making quality content, and edit it so that you would also like it, and upvote it. And look at the editing, look at spelling mistakes, make a good thumbnail. Maybe clickbait also some people ... but, make it good and sound interesting.



Helen: That's good advice. Is there anything else that you'd like to add?

Tino: Especially to the new people that kind of get disappointed at the beginning ... I know that feeling, and I get it from time-to-time too when I don't get the upvotes I deserve, sometimes. Or, I don't ... I feel like I deserve more. Work hard, be persistent, put effort in your work, and just keep going. There are many posts that there will ... where will you not get the upvotes you may deserve for the hard work. For example, four days ago, I edited a video around three or four hours, and I got a payout from one-dollar-fifty. So, some things like that disappoint you, but you have to keep going and move on and then you will make it for sure, and one day you will be thankful that you moved on and didn't give up. Giving up is always easy, but the easiest way is not always the best.

Helen: Sounds like you're quite the master at time-management, as well, fitting all of this in. Sounds like full days that you have.

Tino: Yeah, I'm giving my best, and trying to manage my time good, but sometimes it doesn't work that well, but we have all to improve, and to learn, and just 24 years old, there are many, many days, months, and years following where we gain more experience, and move on.



Helen: Thank you very much for agreeing to the interview, Tino.

Tino: Thanks to you for the invitation, for the Steemit Superstar Series ... I was watching it, or hearing it, and I really wasn't expecting that you would invite me, and I'm really grateful, I really appreciate it.

Helen: That's okay.


My Steem Super Stars so far...



Be sure to follow me on GINAbot, so you not miss a beat or pearl of wisdom, or interesting tale.

I also have a few more My Steem Super Stars interviews in the offing, they should not be missed.


(Not on GINAbot yet? Here's how)

She will be pleased to meet your acquaintance and you'll wonder how you ever managed without her.


More FREE Upvotes: Steemfollower
Free daily crypto: Swift Coins

My STEEM Success Strategy (not free):Post 2 Profit


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Thanks so much for this interview! I learned a lot from it. I need to start reading Jerry's posts on Steemit. I'm sure I will learn a lot from him.

Jerry Banfield's posts are really long and detailed, plenty to learn in them. Here is an easy to access list of all the most useful ones:

Good interview. How does ginabot work? I use steemnow daily; several times a day and it helps.

Hi @paigegirl, I wrote this about GINAbot the other day:

Essentially she DMs you with the posts you'd like to see, when people leave you comments, when certain word is mentioned etc, its just really useful, rather then scrolling through feeds to find the content you want to read.

Oh, thanks a lot! This will be really helpful. I'll check it out.

Great interview! Being new to steemit is not easy at all. But ready @booster916 story is a huge motivator! Be persistence and don't give up is great advice, thank you. Gonna look more into dtube too!

Tino is awesome and doing a great job. Very dedicated.

Tino: The beginning can be pretty hard. I'm also ... I would call myself also a kind of newbie. I'm not that big at Steem at the moment, and ... the beginning can be pretty hard when you don't have your audience, and you're not sure what content to post about.

And, when a content doesn't get much upvotes, but ... my first advice would be that you be persistent, and move on, even if you don't get the rewards. Someday, there will be people that recognize your hard work and you will get your upvotes you deserve. And, that will give you much momentum and motivation to move on.

This is very nice tino @booster916. thank you for the Hints.

Absolutely, persistence is key here on steemit

Just true words imo
In the beginning your posts wound get much attention but with hard work, effort and persistence your audience, followers and upvotes will grow and will increase your momentum and motivation.
Giving up is never a good option

@booster916, greetings from Papua New Guinea - that was an awesome interview, you covered great points - at your age, you are really mastering yourself and you will go a long way! I am inspired with much gratitude by what you have shared and I do believe other Steemians do as well, kudos!

Thank you for your comment!

Yes, I wish I started this self improvement journey at least 10 years ago too.

It's not late @hopehuggs... you are on it already!

Writing all the interview down must have taken you ages!

That was around August 2017, so I am pretty late in the cryptocurrency world

I'm 2 months into the crypto world, what really bothers me is that i first heard about bitcoins in 2012, but i didn't pay attention to it...

Never used GINAbot, need to check that out.

So, taking the time you need to post quality content would be my biggest one,

I always tell people this, yes quantity is a good thing, but quality is even better, there is such a thing as a balance between quantity and quality. I would rather take 1 more day to do a post than to post it and be ashamed at what i wrote, or about the mistakes i did on the text, i always reread my posts 2 or 3 times, the only thing i don't read more than once is my comments.

Giving up is always easy, but the easiest way is not always the best.

This world is not for the quitters but for the hard workers!!

Hindsight is a wonderful thing, but we are all working hard now, that is the main thing.

@booster916, is an inspiring young man. He reminds me a lot of my son, who is a Mechanical Engineer (who still loves his Legos.)

Haha, thank you. Would be nice to play with lego again. You can do much funny stuff with it

Lego was for building houses, I didn't have much more imagination than that for it.

I've read some of your stories, you have an amazing imagination. It is just in a different area.

Hi @hopehuggs,
I'm really glad I read that. Today is just my first post (just an introduction) and I still have so much to find out about Steemit, but I now know that I should look at Vlogs and Videos and find out more about using them. Also GINAbot too.

Thanks for the heads-up on this. Following you and looking forward to more 'nuggets' like this.

I m loving all the nuggets too, there is gold in these steemian's words.

such an awesome time he had here which is a life changing thing for him :)

indeed so

Steemit has changed everyone's life great to see this post another steemit superstar :D

Tino is indeed a Steem Super Star.

Excellent interview done this is really great to see kind of very interesting : )

It just goes to show what awesome people there are on Steemit.

Thank for interviewed bright mind steemit professional to the screen, as a newbie in steemit we have gain a lot from them, this is part of promoting steemit with this wonderful guess. @booster916

He really does have the right mindset.

I feel a bit better after reading this. I post at least twice a day for about 2 and a half weeks now and can't seem to get any traction. I haven't posted in about two days because of that. I am getting back on track now.

All hail genabot. Gonna make a vlog about it for dtube tomorrow.

I am so glad it motivated you to get going again.

Excellent article. @booster916 is the real deal. He always takes the time to interact with his followers even if they are long winded , don't know when to shut up and just a general pain in the ass like me. Give that man all the upvotes, I wish i had half the dedication he does when i was his age. As always @hopehuggs you have produced another excellent article . Keep up the good work.

Thank you for your comment. I really appreciate it and always to try to give my best.
Was today at the hockenheimring to watch some cars racing. Will talk about in my vlog later. Guess you will like it, my carmaniac friend

Its those interactions that can make all the difference.

@hopehuggs I'm still reading the post.
At the beginning steem was not properly typed OK.

"brains about steam❌"

Now let me continue reading the interview to acquire the wealth steem experience of Tino @Booster916.
I love science students 😂

Corrected, thank you. Hope you enjoyed the read in the end.

@hopehuggs sorry my reply is coming in late. I was tied down by bandwidth shit.
I read the whole interview, its really nice.
I concur with @booster916 on the huge upvote by dtube for quality high content, I'm wowed that @valorforfreedom is someone he looks up to.
Concerning Ginabot, she's my number one crush😍, she's one of my backbone on my steem career.
I applaud the developers of @ginabot.
Nice interview @hopehuggs
My @ginabot has your blog covered for me 24/7👀

Very interesting interview you had with Tino, being a student studying mechanical engineering and also a sport man and a motorbike rider . Doing all these at the same time and doing vbloging on steemit and posting regularly here in steemit. Truly shows his determination to succeed in steemit.

He also made mention of Ginabot tool for managing steemit account activities, I think it is a great tool I will look into to manage my steemit account activities also. Great interview you had

I admire anyone who can fit all this into one day. My life at the moment consists of steemit, housework and kids.

@hopehuggs we do have a lot of similarities
even i am an engineer and A BIKE enthusiast too

Best make sure you follow @booster916 then, sounds like lots of great motorbike content coming soon.

U too follow @dhirupadhyay bike stuffs are coming here too

Superb interview with him glad that i could listen to it :)

I like having that added dimension to, if you are not in the mood for reading, but the text is there to remind you too, if you want to refer back to something.

Cool, a biker!
I like that! I also love motorcycling. However, I have never been on a race track. Perhaps it is because many alpine passes (Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Italy) are all on my doorstep and bring a lot of fun with day trips.

This summer a four-week biketour should go to Ukraine, Eastern Europe is beautiful. I intend to report here on Steemit and DTube.

At the beginning you might be able to push everything with the purchase of 150 Steem and 50 SteemDollars, I did not even think about that! Thanks for this info!

And I also like the tools mentioned, which I have to look at immediately.

So far, I think it's great, how openly everyone here deals with information and tips, that's something new for me.

Tino, @booster916, Thanks for the tips!
Helen, @hopehuggs, thanks for the interview!

The people on Steemit are definitely some of the nicest I've 'met'.

Nice, if you can say that. The world has too little of that.

Oh, I just love your Steem Super Stars posts. I learn something every time. As a newbie (just 2 weeks old here as of Friday), it was reassuring to hear Tito say to keep plugging along. It can be a bit discouraging but I know anything worth doing takes hard work, patience, and sticking to it.

It certainly is worth it, persistence will pay off.

I love physics and to assemble and disassemble things. It's like LEGO, just way more expensive.

^ I love that explanation.

It made me smile too.

Yes, giving up is really easy. But who hated it here proved success on Steemit.

I too felt difficult especially when I did read and comment other posts and didn't get a feedback from them. But I shouldn't quit if I want success in Steemit. Thanks.

Did you ever feel to give up at beginning?

I did give up for about 3 months because of life. I was one of the lucky ones and did ok to start within a couple of weeks. My poems found a home, where they were liked.

Hi @hopehuggs
I see. How many days/months it took to see the success in Steemit? I forgot to ask this that I saw in a member's wallet. That notification shays the steem power down in next 3 hours. What does it mean? Is the steempower goes zero if we don't work?

It took me a concerted effort of posting 2 posts consistently every day for a couple of months to see consistent income. I made enough before this to afford to buy my daughter's dance lessons each term, so still significant.

They are doing a process called powering down, which means that they have chosen to cash out their steem power. It takes 13 weeks to do this fully. Your SP will stay the same if you don't work.

Really nice interview surely it has a lot to offer and you made the interview interesting. Because while seeing many podcast people tend to stretch it and make it full but you made it really well . ....keep steeming!!

Thanks Sid

Don't we get notification of 5 days ago posts? I learned it only because of the GINAbot topic.

Hope you are using GINAbot to get my comment notification as this post passed 5 days.

I do my replying about every 3 days. Need to work on that one.

@booster916, I am so glad to see you doing well on Steemit. You are already doing very good and with your determination I am sure you have a big success glaring at you.
Thank you @hopehuggs for introducing him to the larger community

Thank you for your comment. Giving always my very best at SteemIt, but also in reallife.

He is going places.