
From his 'T-Rex Hoodie' video, it seems obvious to me that Ned has all the dedication of a typical dilettante -- or perhaps even less ...

Whether we're talking about mastering the skill required to successfully cover a Hendrix classic, 'Hey Joe', or running a successful blockchain-based media corporation...

The best we can say about him is that at least he has good taste in the objects he shows passive, noncommittal passing fancy in.

However, further evidenced by the video, we can hardly dismiss his impetuous puerile temperament when those around him don't quickly and to his satisfaction respond to his needs of ego aggrandizement through these objects of which he takes an aloof if not dispassionate attachment to.

In other words, he has all the narcissistic psychopathic tendencies that could lead him to another brilliant career as a CEO (as that is a 'leadership indicator' in the corporate world, "Bet on the rider, not the pony", that has lead the world of business into its contemporary state), regardless if his golden (crypto) parachute could possibly suffice to cover the expenses of his remaining lifetime egotistical needs. (yachts in which to sniff cocaine off of sweaty whores, etc. ... )

That being said, I think I'm echoing the sentiment here of "good riddance" to all the dead wood that most nearly caused, now up to us who are committed to prevent, the sinking of the steemer ...