The others, opaque

in #dsound7 years ago (edited)

The others, opaque

original poetry & reading


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A glance on the street,
A stare in the grocery:
We smile & turn away
In cordial opacity.

Of their inner garden
Of lavender, aloe & oak
We see only dim spinoff,
A newspaper advertisement.

Joy & longings in blue limestone,
Black butterfly of infancy.
Daffodil rhinoceros and
The red lava of shame:
Kaleidoscope shunted into a
Titanium exoskeleton.

We gesture yes or no
Or nothing at all
Or perhaps have a word
& go on our way.

Their mystical flora & fauna
We can admire from adamant gate
But gardeners, never! Yet perhaps
We could shout through the mists
And so pierce the opaque.

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Recording of the poem

Recorded with a Blue Snowflake microphone in Garageband. The background sounds of rain and cars are also recorded by me from my apartment window.

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Reading notes

This poem is a reflection on the inscrutability of other people's inner lives. It is true that we can develop our intuition, empathy, and compassion—yet so much remains hidden of the treasures and sorrows of the other's secret garden.

Stanza One

(A glance on the street...)
Describes some common, mundane interactions we experience with strangers. Our "cordial opacity" is a cool, if not cold, kindness.

Stanza Two

(Of their inner garden...)
We see little of the other's inner lives: it's like an advertisement in writing for a product compared to the thing itself. Lavender, aloe, and oak are symbols of the soul, heart, and physical body respectively.

Stanza Three

(Joy & longings...)
Here is the innermost part of the poem, which shows the absurdity of trying to describe the miracle of a human being. We are impossible like blue limestone, a black butterfly both sinister and innocent. We are gentle like a daffodil, brutal as a rhinoceros. We are a rainbow of soul (kaleidoscope) stuffed into a crude physical body (titanium exoskeleton.) This stanza is italicized to convey that it is only an abstraction, a vague approximation.

Stanza Four

(We gesture yes or no...)
In contrast to the amazing depth of humanity alluded to above, our interactions with other are often very shallow

Stanza Five

(Their mystical flora...)
Concludes by re-affirming the perception of separation from the intimate experience of others. We are not the "gardeners:" we do not tend their every essential need. Perhaps, though, there is a hope of connection, if we really shout from outside the adamant gate of their soul.

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Written &
Spoken by

Photos are
Free domain &
Edited by @d-pend.

Created exclusively for
@dsound and Steemit on
January 27, 2018.

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There are 2 pages

Wow beautiful ..
I liked it .. well done
Thank you for your words

Another great poetry by @d-pend. loving to read it again!

Very nice indeed. I loved the voiceover too. Very nice. Its a privilege to read this and listen to it.
At first I thought the statement was an irony. But upon deeper contemplation, I realized it is a paradox.
We are said to be living in a dimension of duality, meaning, with our God-given free will we can be at any point in the number line of a particular quality like loving and caring. We can have complete absence of it (negative scale) or we can have a lots of it (positive scale) towards others. When we are able to exercise the quality towards others regardless of how others treat us, then we are at the zero point.
There is a guy that runs a poetry contest, i am not saying you should participate, but i want more readers to see your skills and how much you make so much sense. Resteeming it isn't enough. ☺☺
Nice one

You have the highest and most sincere greetings, the owner of the finest sentences and words

A poem of my own during my drive home in the midst of a snow storm:

A drive in the snow,
And a day in the cold.
Fraught with anxiety to get to work,
But nature heed not with what we sought.
We can only pray that God forgives.
And calm the storm to let us all live!


thnk your information !!! please follow me, i'm beginner

Wow. Really beautiful. I really get the poem
My insecurities are mine, you try to heal but do not feel the insecurities that I conceal, I store them deep within myself, inside a jar upon a shelf, wear a smile braced like a Sheild.
When certain characteristics in someone’s personality trigger a negative reaction from you, there is something within you that is coming up because it is ready to be healed. Usually, it represents issues from your past that have gone unresolved.
Excellent poem @d-pend

This is cool. I loved it. I loved that Stanza 2.
The good news is that the desirable behaviors we see in others is also a reflection of ourselves. When we predominantly choose thoughts of love, we live in a reality of love. In other words, as we focus on our light within, we bring out the light within others.
Thanks for writing this poem. It captures my understanding of myself and others perfectly.
I’ve shared it within my “World life” community. With over 2000 members I hope many more will take the time to read these words of wisdom.
Once again, many thanks.

Great poem. This reminds me of a quote.
"There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know we don't know"
Lately, I’ve been noticing how people reflect these pieces of the process back to us through their behaviors and characteristics. Really enjoyed the poem @d-pend

u always create a great n meaningful poet i love it 😊

We pass through an epoch of raised thoughts in rare places, that is happiness on the front page of advertising newsletters.
A perfect radiophonic voice that beautifully recites poetry of spiritual touch and deep thought - thank you for the great education @d-pend

I absolutely love hearing poets read Thier work aloud, it such a big difference to reading it on your own!

I have been hesitating on commenting on this one as to avoid sounding opaque. Some form of kindness inevitably will be transmitted through my words but coldness I do not wish to portray.

  • I cannot attempt to put the frailty and beauty of human life in words.

  • We are not the gardeners even of our own garden. This is a strong statement but true. We just enjoy the splendor freely.

  • The last words of this poem ring out great hope for human beings. The written text says:

We could shout through the mists
And so pierce the opaque.

In the recording I heard "perhaps" leaving me not sure if my scream can pierce the opaque. But anyway it's worth a try. This is unique to the recorded version and appropriate as your own voice is piercing the opaque.

I learned through your post that DSound can be a great tool for language learners. As you speak the poem with a calming background listeners are getting more than a relaxing poem but an experience. Second language learners are getting the opportunity to follow the speaking patterns of a native speaker in a stress free environment. I will think about how to implement DSounds into my posts as well.

I am amazed you are doing this everyday. You came back about a week ago saying you got something new and you were not kidding.

poetry very meaningful and soulful. many thanks for info @d-pend

I like your story its very intresting story

Las cosas las vemos segun por el filtro que las pasemos. Esta foto es un buen ejemplo. Saludos!

your post is the best i love your post and resteem...

it is really excelient post.... thank for shar it

Very nice poem @ d-pend ...
This is reminiscent of my memories will first, may you always passionate in creating meaningful poems that deep,
Thanks for sharing @d-pend

That "cordial opacity" line... Spot on.

You have such a unique look at the world, it's extremely refreshing. Literally taking notes, lol. Loved it, and the reciting of it, very nice.

Do you do take all of these pictures as well?

it's really cool @ d-pend, you always create a very good poem for us to think about when we are stressed again. It's really cool because in mix with the music, like the beauty of a city that is in your photo, which has a very deep meaning. Thanks for sharing... :D

I am a huge fan of that voice over skill of yours My Friend Daniel Pendergraft <3

Such a composed echo and frequency level Wow, you're so blessed my friend :)

As i told you that i had been working in Radio as a News Broadcaster so a little bit voice tactics are quite familiar with me, but you are truly a blessed person with natural talent of Writing & Voice Over Bravo

Your today's poem is basically a depiction of a society in which we are living to focus on the materialistic things only and over interaction depends upon the selfish approach indeed shallow.

P.S: Sorry for not replying on a few of your previous blogs due to my hectic routine at School and also i was doing a bit research to write my recent blogs on steemit, so forgive me :)

My Support is always with you @d-pend

Stay Blessed and keep inspiring many others as you inspired me through your worth reading Poetry <3

Steem On!

Dude whoz voice is this?

hey @d-pend
thanks for update a great blog and wonderful stuff. this is very nice voice and music lyrics of #Daniel Pendergraft. i m big fan of you and your project.
always support and inspire your blod and work
All the best and keep it up

It's very deep, I had to repeat several times so that I understand.
This is Magic poetry @d-pend

@d-pend, Wow pretty awesome poem indeed various style creating form you. You've such a glorious skills for create those design. Definitely best skill used. Also Creative illustration Pease hold and some tikensand

Thank you for sharing your beautiful poetry, the photographic illustrations, and the reading notes on it. How do you feel about other people's interpretation of your writing? Do you think there is a right way to read it? I think opacity is a key concept for our times -- I believe that if we can learn to be with each other without needing to conform to each other's way of seeing the world, we will be able to live together without as much violence. Your poem reminds me of these things on a smaller, individual level. So, thank you again for it. Resteemed!

Really well done! I like it! And the photos give a nice touch to it.

Do what you do because you do it very well!

It was a good idea the writing and recording 👏

Congratulations @d-pend, this post is the ninth most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a Hero account holder (accounts that hold between 10 and 100 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by Hero account holders during this period was 378 and the total pending payments to posts in this category was $13831.14. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories, click here.

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To classy level poem probably it would be nice quote. Fantastic writing there. Lovely stanza notes indeed. Your Dsound program keep going without stopping. Sound would be great. Lot of meaningful post shared @d-pend.
Stay blessed.

Hey, nice post :D

Love the poem, and the accompanying photos are great.

Maybe you'd be interested in a collab?

I'm a 2D/3D artist/ architecture student. I'd be really happy to make some images to go with your poems.

Some of my 3D work :

Portfolio Selection 1

Portfolio Selection 2 :)

And check my profile for some of my architectural stuff and drawings of cute creatures ;)

Beautiful lines. And the idea of explaining the piece of art stanza by stanza is also admirable. I appreciate it.

I first thought it was about Timothy Leory's find the others. but I was wrong non the less a great poem

What does it mean to live authentically & truly pursue your passion - Artsy Fartsy inspirational motivational - by Jose Arteaga

I was moved by your poem. I know so many people with beauty locked inside but they don't recognize it. Thank you for this. Inspirational.

Bro, I'm really jealous on your creativity...;) @d-pend

great lines .amazing poetry very uinque

Very nice. I like this. I like your poetry. I am also a poet writer. I have written several books of poetry. Pleased to get acquainted with you and your poetry. thanks.

Outstanding poem!!really satisfying my crave..

This poem is well written and analyzed

Yo también soy escritor, me encanto tu poema yo también soy escritor y me gustaría que me aconsejaras, si tienes tiempo acércate y lee uno de mis escritos, saludos.

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oh, fantastic I love

poetry poetry poetry, gonna try to make mine, too. ^-^

very good

Wow beautifully composed..the complexity of the poem is really beautiful.. The explanation then gives us light into the poem.. It really is good

@d-pend. SO writers have text. Others have context. Your text has context. Often we read things and hope to come up with something profound to say. But there are those rear occasions when one stumbles upon words where all you can do is just sit back re-read and say BRAVO.

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