Intermediary Scribe
.original poetry
. by @d-pend
with photos
by Cezar Mart
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Intermediary Scribe
If even for the space of eyeless bat,
Communing with the spectres;
I saw into the matrix heart of fog—
Retrieve me from the brink.
Along the summit trail, lithe early morn
When sunlight slumbers still,
I float with halting gait through dreamèd grove
Where beauty thought entrains.
If only I the glyphs of voidless sun
Could brand in mental skeining,
Preserve the other world with gesture rich:
Prevent the land to fade.
Perhaps the gap between could live with wings,
And I its feathering scribe—
Bestow upon our land a yearning verse
To bridge the heart between.
Poetry by
9 / 18 / 18
Photography by
Cezar Mart
.I. Black Butte Cabin [cropped]
II. Valley Before Dawn
III. Woodburn Fogs
Captar y tratar de traducir la grandeza de una sensación percibida con el alma, más que con los sentidos, no es tarea fácil , en eso te has empeñado y, de allí, el apropiado título del poema que nos ofreces.Feliz y bendecido día, @d-pend.
Ese asombro de otear más allá de lo que muchos apenas vislumbran, constituye un acto de sumisión y entrega a la grandeza de la naturaleza como espacio de encuentro con lo divino. No obstante, hay un reconocimiento de que no hay palabras que describan la gran poesía que se nos regala en un amanecer. La salida del sol es magia pura y poderosa, capaz de vencer no sólo la oscuridad imperante antes del despunte, sino a la antagónica muerte, porque el sol es vida.
El sol es un signo grabado en nuestra psique como símbolo de la magnanimidad de la divinidad. Su salida diaria es nuestro sostén, nuestra fe de que siempre hay esperanza, por más que la oscuridad amenace con instalarse. Por tanto, se debe mostrar gratitud por tantas bendiciones recibidas, que pasamos desapercibidas, muchas veces.
Para esto, la voz hace un llamado a honrar a la madre amorosa que nos sustenta a diario, agradeciendo con vibraciones de Amor a nuestro planeta, a la naturaleza, a todo y a todos. Que creemos una cadena amorosa. Que hablemos, actuemos y nos tratemos con Amor infinito.
A menudo hay una sensación de morir a uno mismo cuando uno se siente abrumado por la belleza del universo. Puede ser exquisito e insoportable al mismo tiempo. El amanecer es tan abarcador en su calidez que uno puede sentirlo energéticamente unas horas antes de que ocurra físicamente, y fue esta sensación de frecuencia vivificante invisible la que intenté encapsular aquí, ya que me levanté muy temprano a las 4:30 de esta mañana. Los sonidos de fondo de la versión de audio que hice fueron los grillos y la lluvia ligera fuera de la ventana de mi cocina, y ayudaron a crear el ambiente en el que se realizó la escritura de este poema.
Con el ascenso de la religión popular que yo llamo "cientificismo" junto con la tecnología útil que ofrece para aumentar la comodidad de nuestra vida diaria, la sacralidad del sol es a menudo olvidada por las masas. Esto se hace evidente con el asombro y la burla con que muchos reaccionan al estudiar la adoración del sol en culturas antiguas. Ha sido mi deseo, desde hace varios años, intentar restaurar la reverencia mágica de la naturaleza en todas sus manifestaciones a través del arte que yo creo. Si tengo éxito no lo sé, pero los sentimientos son auténticos.
Amén. (¿O debería decir Amón Ra?) :-)
Yo acotaría a esto que planteasJajaja, buena esa, Amón Ra. Primero que nada un piropo a @zeleiracordero. Muy linda tu nueva foto de perfil! :)
el hecho de que las mismas religiones milenarias (judeo-cristianas), con la demonificación de los rituales que no están dirigidos a las deidades canonizadas han dificultado la veneración de la naturaleza en su digna dimensión.
De hecho, la lectura de Génesis 1:26 que ha hecho la cristiandad desde sus inicios atenta contra una relación armoniosa con la naturaleza. La religión misma nos volvió soberbios y auto-destructores. A eso apunto, aunque de forma muy escueta, en mi post más reciente.
Gracias por el piropo y el comentario siempre tan perspicaz y elocuente, apreciado @hlezama.
De nada. Gracias a ti por ser parte del lado claro de la fuerza en esta galaxia con tantos poderes oscuros y oscurantistas.
The title says it all – one with insight into the universe and reporting what he sees, how he sees it, albeit in his own configuration.
The title sets the tone of the poem appropriately. The persona is announcing his mental encounter with the invisible; he sees into the indecipherable depth of the hazy Cosmos, and cries out to be saved from the precipice. It’s my opinion that the poet is in a dream state at an early hour of the morning, before sunrise. The experience is harmonious for him because even though he was being transported high up far beyond the earthly to ethereal realms, his consciousness still holds beauty thought, not frightful ones. From afar he could see that there is harmony down here on earth – the orderliness and structured progression is quite clear from that view, showing that everything is as it should be. So harmonious and beautiful is the viewing experience that he has decided to compose for mankind what he sees.
This is a message of hope from someone who is able to detach himself from the daily topsy-turvy world of activities. He realizes that despite the so-called decadence, confusion, fear, ugliness, ignorance, and seeming impending apocalypse, the evolutionary process is progessing accordingly, in line with the plans of the Creative Force.
The rhythm, melody, and musicality in the poem are obvious. This is brought about in the alliteration and consonance in the following lines:
When sunlight slumbers still,
I float with halting gait through dreamèd grove
One must pay particular attention to the following -
The first line of the four stanzas have 10 syllables each
The second line of each of the stanzas alternate their syllables: 7,6,7,6
The third line of all the four stanzas have 10 syllables each
The last line of all the four stanzas have 6 syllables each
This is what makes the poem lyrical. It’s deliberately creative and stylistically superlative, something that can only come from a master of the art.
Keep up the good job, @d-pend!
The contemplation of nature in highest posts produces inevitable delight. To go beyond the ecstasy and conceive the possibility of multiple worlds connected by wingged recorders is to let the sublime express its grandeur through the rudiments of our language.
Intermediary Scribe
That contact with nature makes us discover unknown gifts; alternative orientation devices, like that of blind bats, that may or may not come from within.
We certainly wish we could have the tools to understand the manifestations of the astros, to be able to transcribe the pictograph of the sun, or the moon's. If we could, it would be easier to see how the land is still there even when we don't see it, and so everything in it and out of it.
I like the image of the "mental skeining", not as in a skein of lies, but as in a knotted story written with the yarns of nature.
Your response made me consider that the particular longing to transcribe the beauty of dream also pertains to our relative inability to do so for the natural wonders in waking life, as well. This one was fun to write because I had just woken up and I tried out an odd verse form I've never used, sort of a modified, non-rhyming sonnet with four quatrains of syllable count 10/7/10/6 in iambic pentameter. The constrictions of verse makes the mathematical side of me happy and there's a great sense of fulfillment upon completing such a piece :-) Of course, this can all come at the expense of the poetry, but I enjoy the challenge nonetheless.
Hahaha. This is funny. It is precisely the constrictions of verse, the non-mathematical side of me, what prevents me from even trying that sonnet @marlyncabrera was suggesting.
Lol. I suppose it depends on the person, but there are few things in the world I find more fun (and challenging) than writing sonnets. I highly recommend overcoming the initial hurdles and treating it as an efficient exercise to improve mastery of a language, should you get the inclination to try. The result is less important than the process, in my view.
Sure, the pleasure and satisfaction got to be in the journey. We can't expect to debunk Shakespeare or something. That kind of pressure would ruin the experience. I see it like karaoke singing when you can't catch a tune. You have to be inebriated :)
Damn ... free verse and I actually liked it! You've poisoned my mind.
Great stanza. "Lithe" is a good word. Nice alliteration in line 2. "dreamed" ... accents really matter :-) - it turns it into perfect iambic pentameter, and a beautiful line.
I really like the phrase "yearning verse" ... especially coming from a "feathering scribe."
Nice job, indeed.
What we understand from the beautiful verse is that although one is in the dark there is always a ray of light at the end of the path and the forest of the dream represents how beautiful life can be
Although our world of dreams the earth vanishes and with your longing verses you want to unite our hearts with beautiful verse.
Thanks for those remarks @joelgonz1982. I attempted to capture here the lucid musing of the dream-traveller who, upon returning to the physical world, laments his/her inability to translate perfectly the sublime impressions of dream. This in an experimental verse form consisting of stanzas written in iambic pentameter with syllable count 10/7/10/6. A sort of experimental, non-rhmying sonnet :-)
wow .. badly interpret the poem wrong I have to go to poetry class to be able to have more knowledge.
When I write poetry I only get inspired and try to write a phrase about love or when I think of some object I try to write some rhyming words.
I think you're doing a great job. The desire to try to understand and willingness to put in the energy required is the most important part. Knowledge will come naturally as a result of that intention :-)
Have you tried to write much poetry en español? If not, I would recommend it. Our mother tongue is always closest to our heart.
On two occasions I wrote poetry in Spanish, but I think that the Hispanic community does not care about poetry or maybe it's because I do not have great power to vote their comments and they do not bother to read what I post on occasion. steemit is unfair in this case.
For this reason I started writing in English, although my English is bad and I have to publish it with the help of the translator, but I stop publishing poetry in English because the translator does not translate what I really want to express.
Looking for its existence Aa Musafir
Walking towards the floor, even with the devious steps
Do not see the blisters of your feet growing continuously
Parinde wings sit together, where is it?
Show your talent to this place
Punishment from the stalks to its dry house
What is doing in silence of silence?
What is doing in silence of silence?
(Dedicate to d-pend sir.)Dear @d-pend sir!
Thanks for the dedicated lines @certain. Have a great day!
Thanks sir ji alots...🎶🎶
It's early morning in Korea and I listened to this. It's like you are here. The sky is foggy but the sun will burn it away. There was a summit yesterday in North Korea.
Perhaps not only here but in many hearts.
This whole dynamic of Steemit has been so exciting, how so many of our friends are scattered across the world in many time zones. I never know what to expect and it keeps me on my toes.
A simple statement, but this is poetry, I think!
There is something meticulously smooth about this one. Like we would all bond to become particles of soothing silence at the end. And it seems that language of this poem is influencing language of the comments, too. Upvoted and resteemed.
Lovely, this comment. Your remark about the replies mirroring the poem's language was noted by my friend and fellow poet @quillfire the other day. It's a fascinating and beautiful aspect about blogging and publishing daily poetry on the STEEM blockchain :-)
Thanks for the support!
Amazing, isn't it?
And, you pulled it off while only employing ballad meter and rhythm (impeccable, by the way) and only one instance of alliteration.
The repeating patterns (fixed meter and rhythm scheme) triggered an involuntary neurological response and this dramatically effected the way people experienced the poem.
There's science behind the art.
BTW ... nice job on the poem. :-)
Thank you, too. There is something about poetry in digital era, something very distinct, i believe. In various different ways web is incredibly fertile, if ever moving, ground for poems.
Yes, it's interesting. The downside is that it's increasingly hard for artists of any sort to make an honest living from our craft, but the upside is a greater ability to experience the immediate impact of our work.
Precisely. Just like money in realm of economics, pieces of artistic craft are constantly being inflated these days. And sometimes effects of this process are heartbreaking.
Hmmmm, artistic inflation. You know, that's true, though the population increases as well. So theoretically it would only inflate if humanity as a whole was becoming more artistic, since there are always more potential consumers being born. That probably is occurring somewhat as part of our evolutionary process as technology allows us to have more free time and access to the tools needed to study art.
Interesting observation. Well, there are different kinds of inflation, according to economists, right? And, when it comes to consumers, i am not that sure if their numbers are indeed increasing. Anyway, it is fascinating to discuss, in essence, economy of creativity.
Sry for cursing, but oooooh sh*t.. Those effects are so cool, especially the last one... It left an echo of the poem in my head, kinda...
The best poet here - @d-pend! <3
Hahaha! Glad you liked those, sometimes when I do that I wonder if it comes off as cheesy, but I thought it was kind of cool for this one. Have a great one Luka and thanks for your support!
It's great, really! Especially the end, maybe it was because of the words or because it's the end.. Dunno... But, it's awesome! :D
Great verse and wow I would come for the photos alone. All three are spectacular but the first is my favorite. I love remote cabin photos.
Haha, I've always tried to prioritize visual beauty when blogging my poetry on Steemit, because the number of people who know its appreciation is staggering in comparison to the few who care for poetry. If I'm lucky, I might trick people into acquiring a love for poetry along the way. I also thought that remote cabin was quite beautiful. Thanks for stopping by @steven-patrick!
Thank you for being here for me, so I can be here for you.
Enjoy your day and stay creative!
Botty loves you. <3
Thank you as always Botty!
sometimes i think earth is a high security prison ...
Shhh... not too loud, the overlords will hear you..!
Nice poem... Keep it up.. May God bless You.. :)
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Thank you @razuanam, may the Infinite Creator shower blessings upon you as well. :-)
Another beautiful post form our Honorable Sir @d-pend. Thanks for sharing with us
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Thanks for the kind words and support @death-notes :-)
your magnanimity Sir
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i need more insights. helpful; comments. and a marvelous poem.
Hi @d-pend!
Your UA account score is currently 4.982 which ranks you at #1026 across all Steem accounts.
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w00t! Up one rank xD I will continue to do my best to improve my engagement and increase my value to the community <3 If I can get myself to blog on subjects other than poetry, more comments will come, I think. It remains a somewhat niche area in the modern world.
I think you are doing oustanding for a niche area. You have over 270 upvotes and 50 comments. If poetry is your passion you should keep with it. Changing just to improve UA would not be a great move.
I write about economics, which for this platform is also a niche area. I intend to keep with it because that is my area of expertise as well as my passion. I also believe I have something to share of value. I have tried to make some of my posts relevant to this platform and they have performed a little better.
It is worth taking note of the posts that have scored well. Here is the link to highest ranked post, from this round, based on UA.
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