When I find myself struggling with an unfavorable feeling or reaction to a situation it makes me uncomfortable. It makes me want to analyze myself and understand why my mind is reacting negatively or why I have feelings that are bringing down my general enjoyment of life. Feeling shorted by my work and effort put in is something that I had to understand and I believe the feelings came up from envy and spite of others success, which I'm not super proud of nor do I stand by those feelings as "accurate". From here I was able to understand where my reactions were coming from and work on the source of it, which was my own envy and belief that I "deserved" something specific for my work. I've been able to shift my perspective and am a LOT happier now without having to compare my success with my peers, instead I'm able to much more openly and freely praise their successes without taking them as personal losses against the person.
In the podcast you'll hear more of these concepts thought through with more depth. I hope that this episode resonates with you and you can analyze if you have anything in your live that brings up envy and spite, especially feeling shorted, and how you can shift the way you think about it so that it brings you less discomfort and stress!
Thank you so much for listening to the podcasts, I'm so happy I'm able to share them here on Dsound! I try to upload my episodes a few days earlier than I release them on iTunes and soundcloud that way people learn about this site and how to use it - who knows, maybe some of them will start uploading their music and podcasts too! I'll see you guys in the next episode, if you have any suggestions at all PLEASE let me know!
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sound good.go ahead.waiting for next episode.
@brainturner ...here U are ....i have seen your video on youtube .....about how to use steemit...introduction.......you really are gem people...stay tuned
That's awesome!!
such a great work thats how we should do, im glad for you having thoese upvotes , my best one 0.4 maybe lol the begainnig on steemit is a bit hard , we need some encouragement from you mates I belive in relation with this beautiful commuity, waiting to see your next professional work
Thanks for the support my friend, it definitely takes some time but quality content definitely works on this site over time!
I'll wait. achievements
you are looking nice bro look like angle . and your sound awesome. I WAITING for next sound have a nice day
Music is life.music is the weapon against boredom.I love your music..keep impressing us about your songs!waiting for the next episode.
@brianturner please teach me how to post him please I want to evolve as you also please to know how his post thanks
@brianturner please teach me how to post him please I want to evolve as you also please to know how his post thanks
the creativity is almost good...
i eagarly waiting for next,,,
thanks @brianturner
Your words are really inspirational
I appreciate it man!
good think
I think we all struggle with this some time in our life. Not looking to much at what other people have and be greatfull for what we have and use it to our advantage.
If we praise others for their achievments and be happy with them we gain so much more instead of looking at them with jelaousy.
Really good post and podcast :)
Life is a lesson you have a great story and great achievement
You are write dear