#401 - ADAM VS THE MAN: A Libertarian Appreciation of Veterans

in #dsound6 years ago (edited)

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the benefit of the military from the government is quite attractive, i almost joined the military, but once i knew the stupidity they were doing, i'd rather sell fried chicken to my neighbors.

That shit is so true bcos the truth is that the military are given so much incentives to go to war but next to nothing to return. Time for change

They've selflessly risked their lives in service of Country, following orders bound by duty even when they felt it was wrong. Our Veterans are the ultimate patriots and deserve every accolade. It's even more exciting to see that more veterans like yourself are speaking out in favor of what's right.

The second article you referenced about the media's non opposition to the Syria strikes just shows how manipulated the system is right now

I think it is the family of this men who sacrificed so much that really bears the pain of it especially if when they learn their partner have being sacrificed by a state decision

I certainly want to help you liberate America from the federal government, and I want to change the system for the best with a new president deserves the best ، kokesh for president 2020👍
Good luck my dear friend @adamkokesh 👍👍😃 , all the best for you 👍😃😉👋😊

"The great nation is a nation that respects the service of its heroes".
fought alive, abandoned the family and risked their lives to serve the State even went home without name, they went to surrender lives in battle, not to a medal

I have deep appreciation, respect and gratitude for all whom served and continue to serve our country. I come from a family of many vets and they all have had amazing stories to share with us as we grew up. The love for this county that is so deeply rooted in who they are as a person is so enviable. Much love and respect no matter the war they fought for, they made the sacrifice for me and my family.

I love the bravery and courage that our Veteran’s poses. I am grateful to live in the United States where we have many rights that others do not. I’m thankful that people protect that right, and sometimes have to fight to do so. Thank you Veterans and to those who serve today.
Veterans Day was founded in 1918 by President Wilson as Armistice Day following World War I. President Eisenhower shortly after issued a resolution to rename it Veterans Day in 1938. As you can see, many of us at Midwest Marketing are proud and honored to have family and friends who serve our country. Thanks to all the active military and Veterans for all you do to protect us from all of us at Midwest Marketing.

Every mission is a heaven sake. Mission faces on. It's absolutely no sacrifice at all because this is the reason they join. A little sightseeing , good routine to get into the swing of things… and some quality concentration and awareness to warm them up. Every soldier from every country doesn't think duty he thinks of his comrades doing their job properly… the friendship associated is second to none. Sacrifice? Hah! The legion ONLY has men with the same mindset and focus. A challenge to be as professional as possible. With a little raw aggression to keep things on track. So sacrificing sex , relationship and love for focus and determination minus the "other half” to some pussies that would seem a sacrifice but ask every married man if he could get away from his partner to go hunting moving targets and keep top fit to return with a payload of cash , stories and experience (don't forget slim , trim ready to romance the other half big time!!)

Sacrifice is a word poets use to describe their imagination. There are those that do and those that don't do …..

He appears to be a stubborn and courageous warrior
The photos are really dated and wonderful
A very special article

The freedom of a man is what makes him to realised himself,no man should be another man's captive,job like military should be soften with rule and regulation for the benefit of those who are ready to forge in.

All over the world dream of a President of the United States in the admirable care for the environment that is your figure of freedom master Adam Kokesh.

I joined your blog on mengampanyekan steemit I @nasrol. I never tired of notifying people that the American people are in need of you. Hopefully you are entertained.
Go 2020 United States President Adam Kokesh.

Wars might seem to pose a threat to life of humans, but looking at the bigger picture, they are an equally serious threat to the well-being of countrymen, flora and fauna, as well as the economy of that nation. The need of the hour is to take proper measures to curb this and ensure a healthy and peaceful environment to live in for all.

if the story tells that many war veterans to relieve the ostigamiento of the war the cold, the fear, the winter, the noise of the bullets, of the guns, the roar, consumed some drugs to face that nightmare, and many of them they became addicted that even now they were still doing it and it is at that moment that instead of forgetting the memories of the war that persecuted them came and because of that many of them committed suicide because in their minds those memories tormented them

I have felt the exact same way for years. I am not a veteran, but I think it is ridiculous that we spend all that time and money to prepare soldiers for war, and then after they finish with them say See Ya!!

I believe that many of our brothers and sisters that have killed themselves are doing so not just because of PTSD, but because of targeting after enlistment. Especially troops with security clearances, and those who questioned their mission due to integrity.

This is a really big problem. We, like society, need to think and make actions to do a diference and give them a better lifestyle. This is a awesome post! I invite you to visit my blog to enjoy the content :)