There is also fasting mimicking, discovered by Valter Longo. He did many studies on fasting and discovered a way to get the same or nearly the same benefits of fasting but allows people to eat a little. Others took his research and have started their own.
They find that if you eat 3 meals or less, each 300 calories or less, with a 4 to 1 ratio of fat to carbs + protein, you can get significant effects of fasting.
Probably not a big deal to someone who already ca fast, but for millions who even dread the idea, it could be a good stepping stone.
I experiment with both Fasting and Mimicking. Now, I'm going to experiment with dry fasting too. Thanks.
Yeah, I am aware about mimicking! Thank you for your comment! 🙂
You're welcome! Let me know when you create post about your experience with it.