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RE: nothing

in #drugwars6 years ago

I have nothing against those who are in the game just for fun. But the majority of players are unfortunately playing only because of the STEEM rewards. They just talk about how nice it is that you can make profit quickly in this game. That is why I wrote this. I do not want people to come in DrugWars just because they think it is a good investment opportunity, because now it is not.


Most people are just too blind to see or not willing to understand how these games are designed. Regardless of this I do find it a good thing that more and more games are showing up on the steem blockchain. It shows some kind of maturity of Steem.


Sometimes, even bad examples of implementations have to show up so people could start thinking more critically after a loss or failure.

DrugWars can still change and improve its system. I hope they will do exactly that. If not, the game will serve at least as a reminder of what can people's greed cause.