Duster huffing: Visit in Hell

in #drugs8 years ago

I hadn't taken duster in a long time until the other day and I never had too terrible of an experience. Its an incredibly shitty "drug" but I did the shit in highschool because fuck it. I tried it again all these years later for the same reason.

I've had some heavy duty trips in between high school and now so I took a GODLY rip off the can (thinking I'm a hard ass now, I can handle this kiddie shit) and BOOM, instantly passed out. My dumbass woke up and took another even more godly rip. I'm telling you, I went straight to fucking hell after that. I was awake but didn't know where the fuck I was, couldn't see anything but red light and my skin was on fire. I don't even believe in Hell but I thought I was there. I started screaming as loud as I could and flailing around. I seriously wanted to die.

When I finally came to, I jumped up and was breathing hard as shit. I saw my friend. He started a fire in a fire pit nearby but not close enough to feel. He said I was never on fire, never moved, and never made a sound but I was so freaked out I had to have a couple beers to even be normal for the night. Hands down, worst pain in my entire life, despite it being in my head, and most horrendous trip of my life. I've had horrible trainwrecks but this blew it out of the water.

Never NEVER take/do this shit. I thought I was dead and I might have been close.


Just breathe pure nitrogen or other inert gasses like argon, probably much cheaper but exactly as stupid as huffing duster. It just deprives your brain of oxygen. Just take acid or vape some weed, much healthier and you don't kill as many brain cells in the process.

Yea, I'm fucking retarded. I've got some really stellar RC's and pot on hand but I had to take a blast from the past, never again. I'll skip the argon