From WTF fuck news of the day. Apparently eating or drinking chocolate is just not good enough anymore. The brilliant minds at Legal Lean (https://www.legalleanstore.com/) have introduced their new product Coco Loko snort-able chocolate. Their website says that you will get an endorphine rush comparable to "runners high" where you feel euphoric, positive, and exhilarated. What in the actual fuck?!
So of course the company is now getting tons of free publicity in the form of Sen. Chuck Schumer getting his panties all in a wad, calling it "“cocaine on training wheels”".
https://goo.gl/FaYCB7 via arstechnica
So I know for sure that I will not be trying this product 1)because it seem like a really dumb idea, 2)I don't really like chocolate, though I would upvote a review if someone posted it here on Steemit. Hopefully someone can get a hold of some before it inevitably goes the way of Four Loko.
Check out this CBS news report :
I don't really think it is quite as extreme as kids setting themselves on fire like CBS likens it to. What do you think? Do you think it's awesome-ya-gimme-some or absolutely ridiculous. Let me know in the comments.
Oh my God. Lol! Who would do such a stupid thing? You can eat it or drink it. Is there some special attraction to snorting it of which I am not aware? I mean, you get none of the taste pleasure from snorting it. Why Just, why? So weird.
Ha ya I didn't even think about not being able to taste it!
Lol! Yeah, like why would you want chocolate if you couldn't taste it? What's the point of snorting, unless you just want your friends to think you're snorting something else? It makes no sense.