Those three little words.

in #dropintheocean6 years ago (edited)

En - COURAGE - ment

I plead creative freedom on the formatting of that word, you see I could not decide whether to use TitleCase, UPPERcase or lowerCASE and with that out of the way...


It all starts a long long time ago, today at noon with the Sun at it's highest I started thinking really hard about the word Encouragement, the kind of focus that makes you just repeat it over and over, slower and slower. You know the kind?*
*When he gets a real stern look on his face, you think he might be stroking so long as he keeps doing what he is you are not going to check. That Focus.

I am no wordsmith but I know that "en-" and "-ment" mean something when added to other letter thingies.

I asked Uncle Google** and got a definition for both which confirmed my initial hypothesis, still not having a real idea as to how this helps me write something on the topic of encouragement - a word so generic in the general scope but life changing to an individual - I decided to try and bring the three words together into one, I quickly found that this has already been done and it was the word encouragement, their meaning alone, however, did not really help much and I only came away with a little better understanding of the word noun and that there is not really such a thing as a postfix.

  • "en-" Means to put in, into, surround...
  • "Courage" Is a cowardly dog...
  • "-ment" is not a postfix, it is the result of or the action of doing something but as a noun


My friend did not want to get into the box since he said he was afraid of the dark, I then forced him into the box which I dubbed the box of Courage, because I was encouraging and a good friend.

Someone knocked on the door so I went to go open it, she asked if everything was ok because she heard screaming. I told her that it was and she could come check if she wanted.

She asked what was that in the corner all taped up and I said it was:


Seeing the confused look on her face and slight concern since I did not tape my friend's mouth closed I proceeded to explain with three simple reasons, two of which you already know so I will only explain the third;

You see as soon as I put him in the box of courage, the proper way to refer to it would be to say:

"That my dear. That is Encouragement"


So for me, that covered the language lesson part but I still had no clue of the actual meat, which is fine if you are vegan but I am not so I am still stuck on the ledge of uncertainty, not a nice place to be and a place that you do not always know you are.

It takes more than yourself to make the jump, to break through the clever mirror reflecting the safety of another floor back at you. and although I fuck around a lot and do not acknowledge outright that some things do matter.

I like being the one that pushes others off that ledge, put them into the box of courage because what they do not realise is that at least 8 times out of 10 that part inside of them that was to scared to make the jump or go into the suffocating darkness is the part afraid from connecting to the magic in our world, those unexplained powers that make you more than you can dream, because even in your dreams that part will hold you back unless someone pushes you, prods you enrages you so much that you have no choice but to prove them wrong, prove yourself right, encouragement can come from anyone or anything, over time or in a single moment.

Encouragement gives you the ability to say Fuck you! All! , because you finally have the courage to stand alone but those three words are not what this posts title is for.

I love you

The phrase that will keep encouraging more people in this world than any other thing I can think of, "I love you mommy" will have woman rise up and have the courage to destroy those who bring harm to them for the sake of their children and themselves, it is a realization that only required the right encouragement, I think in that time long long ago I could not define encouragement or explain it to myself because it is everything I might want and everything I want to give.

"I love You" that is what my title should be.


This is my entry for the @buddyup #dropintheocean show topic: Encouragement; and I encourage you all (the two of you hopefully) to drop into our discord channel and have a chat with us , we won't bite or push you off the ledge just yet so you are safe.

Image Source - Pixabay - Katya Guseva0 editing done myself. Haha, what editing.


Funny @penderis! I think you need a holiday down here on the east coast! Bring Courage :)

I might just do that. Firstly though, has anyone got a dog I can borrow and does he respond to the word courage?

Thank you for having a gander and will see around @leighleigh

@leighleigh I don't think penderis girlfriend will like it very much that another girl is inviting him on holiday to the east coast! Just saying.

Maybe she would like to come with? Anyone say holiday 🏖️ .
Or don't you want to go on holiday sexy? 😉

Hahaha @cathrine. I'm too old for @penderis! He mentioned that he lived down here for a while, which is why I mentioned it. You are welcome to join him :)

we are for sure making you softer ;)

did you write "I love you mommy" in your post???? hehehehehe I LOVE IT!!!! awwwww i love the softer side of you hehehe

and the funny - Courage the Cowardly Dog ;)

all joking aside - the last paragraph touched my heart after the giggles :)

Thank you so much @dreemsteem, one of the best hearts on steem, so it is a personal achievement to hear you say that.

P.S. Please add me to the fireflies list, I have actually been meaning to ask for awhile but too many cobwebs in my mind. Bad Excuse

hahahahaha of course I will!!!! I would absolutely be honored, my friend :)
(and thank you for that beautiful compliment.... i appreciate it :)

I disagree... you are absolutely a wordsmith! It can be scary to experience the ✨magic. We all need someone to hold our hand at the ledge, tell us they love us... and then shove us hard over the edge smiling!! 😄

Yes, I agree, with the shoving over the edge smiling, even more as you see their smile fade, now you are smiling because guess what.

Both went over the edge, because they are in it together, just sometimes being the one doing the encouraging you do not notice that you are being encouraged.

Thank you for your nice comment, and looking forward to more from YOU and Jeff.

Oh! Pen, Pen, Pen.....You're not supposed to make me laugh when writing about encouragement - but you off and did it!

Please stop stuffing people in courage boxes... ok? And say hi to the dog.

Keep an eye on that neighbor, cops may be on the way.


Haha, yes she did seem a bit nosey, might need another box, label it "Your Business" then ask her if she would "Mind".

mmmm sounded great in my head, but thank you for reading and kudos on a great post also @tamala, the nice thing is I think all our posts together really solidify the entire concept so laughing when reading about encouragement is a must.

xoxo Gossip Girl - actually should keep that one for @poetrybyjeremy but works best with yours. Great signature btw and thank you for reading and commenting.

@pendris... you are truly unique. You are a comedian and yet I saw a softer side of you that I haven't seen before. And the phrase "i love you mommy" could encourage a woman to really hurt someone if the need arises. One of the cartoons my son and I watched when he was younger was courage the cowardly dog, i freaking loved that cartoon!!! I loved this!!

Yip, courage was a great show, damn I wonder if it is still airing, although cartoon network seems to have gone downhill.

I think although hurting someone was my intention with the phrase it sure is a desirable outcome given the right context, since I think once encouraged the result should be hopefully a long-term one, a mother removing herself and children from bad circumstances would be the best you can hope from one version , after beating "HIM" to a pulp with a baseball bat since courts just waste time.

all i have to say to you and @monchhichi23 is.....
scariest Courage ever....


my son and I sat watching that with eyes as round as saucers thinking.... unable to move or talk. LOLOLOL we were terrified. and than at the end... we just looked at each other like

"are you as scared as I am right now?"

LOLOLOL that episode was no joke.

How the hell do you remember specific episodes like that???? All that shit is a blur in my head right now. You remind me of....
wile-e-coyote-super-genius (1).jpg

oh my gosh.... i remember it cuz i was SCARRRRRRRRRRRRRED! HAHAHAHAHAHA

so so so so so terrified. you have to try to find it hahaha

and here is the weird thing. I honestly thing it was so scary the first time - that they changed it

cuz when my son and I tried to find it again on youtube - it wasn't the same. and we BOTH remembered it a ton scarier!!!!!!!

eeeeeeeeeeek. find it @monchhichi23!!!! find it and be scared with me hahahaha

Ya know Pen, I want to start my own cartoon network and play All of the good old cartoons that we used to watch, Courage I watched with my son, power puff girls, jimmy neutron, fairly odd parents but I'd also like to see bugs bunny and tom and jerry, maybe the flintstones. Can we do that on Steemit?? Make a cartoon channel?? We sooo should!!!

I couldn't agree with you more. What satisfaction it would have been to see her beat him to a pulp with a baseball bat!! Courts do waste time, in the worst way. It freaking sucks. Ugh.

Truly unique @penderis - I loved your take on this :) I loved that you made me laugh and then gave me a tender moment at the end :) thank you for sharing

Thank you @andysantics48, your response is the best case scenario, thank you for telling me, it is encouraging to say the least.

This was a well-rounded post! It had a cat, it had some rambling about language, a funny joke about meat and vegans ;) and a very sweet conclusion. It did make me go "AWHH!"

I do see how those three words could be the biggest encouragement. When someone loves you, you are willing to take more risk and become better, because you want to be the best person possible. Furthermore, you know if you take a risk and you fail, you will still be loved. If the love was not there, there is much more to lose, maybe reputation or whatever it is. When there's love, everything will be okay <3

When someone loves you, you are willing to take more risk and become better, because you want to be the best person possible.

Very true, and makes it much simpler for them to push you without backlash as I think some may feel criticized more if in fact, they are not interested in being better for the person they are with.

This is a risk we take even before we grow, to find those who are willing to grow with us and allow them to help us grow.

I absolutely loved the take you took on this. I like your writing, it's so unique. For someone who claims not to be a swordsmith you took such a smooth turn from stuffing cats /people into boxes towards a softer tone which delivered a great truth, a mother's love. Beautifully written!

Thank you very much @lymepoet. Coming from one of our great poets that is an amazing compliment, and just saw your post for the book launch best of wishes and hope it hits millions of copies. 🌟

I have to agree with the guys above, my friend, you are a wordsmith.

That language segment of the post was an absolute gem.

You see as soon as I put him in the box of courage, the proper way to refer to it would be to say:

"That my dear. That is Encouragement"

I get it and I think it's pure genius how you managed to derive that from the word and then explain it in such a visual, hilarious, and comprehensive way. Wordsmith.

The softer side of people are sometimes mistaken as weakness, the reality infact being that the understanding of such things maketh the man.

Fantastic job pal, you shaped something very special here.

Thank you Mr. Ironclad , that is going to stick with me for a long time, pretty sure someone needs to make a song from it, I am thinking Slipknot off the top of my head.

You are 100% that it is the understanding, and without trying to understand the "softer" side you are weak since how would you know how and why you enforce your stronger side. If that makes sense.

Thank you for checking it out. and again, loved your poem Mr. Ironclad.

I love you sound like Ninja from Die Antwoord on PYPT, he he,

Why is everyone flirting on this post? All I read is flirtatious comments... this is steemit not some dating site!