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RE: It’s Good, Not Bad - Drop in the Ocean – Criticism

in #dropintheocean6 years ago

Well said on this front. I was never good at taking criticism until I saw how someone who I respected didn't take criticism too well (like I used to) and I thought, "Dude, I'm just trying to help".

That's when I had a turning moment and put my emotional response aside to listen to what that critic is saying and if I can do something about it.

It comes with experience but like anything, you can change your mindset and approach to it, pick and choose how you respond and then change what you can for the next time.

Changing from an emotional reaction to a logical listening approach is my recommendation. But it won't come over night 🙂

Posted using Partiko Android


Very well-stated! I think that learning to find the value in difficult to understand concepts, such as having someone tell us we've messed up, and then offer a better way to proceed, is an action that's unacceptable and out of the question to many people, and many will retain that view throughout their lives.

I believe that unless we are born with an innate appreciation of something, it takes a special circumstance or experience to help us break out of the mold and see value. Like with you, when that situation helped you recognize there was value in listening, and like me, with my football and Army training, which I recognize was so valuable to my development as a person overall.

Exactly man! In our experience, we've gone out of our comfort zone to learn these important lessons because that's what it takes to evolve ourselves.

Travelling is another great way to find things out, see different perspectives but having an open mind is the best solution. You have to have one otherwise you'll be stuck where you are in the same thought processes that brought you down.

Posted using Partiko Android