All alcoholic beverages, ordered from highest to lowest volume of alcohol

in #drinks7 years ago

Alcohol is not healthy and there is no moderate alcohol consumption. This is something that we have tired to the point of repeating as much as they want to sell us, in the middle of 2018, that "a copy of wine a day protects our heart" or that "drinking in moderation is good".

But if despite knowing the harm that has the consumption of alcohol in the human body, are those who like to drink your beer or your cocktail when you go out with friends, we present our classification of alcoholic beverages from the worst to the less bad.

Ranking of alcoholic beverages ordered from worst to least bad

To prepare this ranking, we have chosen as the classification criterion the total volume of alcohol that each alcoholic beverage contains (in the case of some beverages that depending on their elaboration process can cover a wide range of percentages, we have chosen to choose the lower).

In addition, within all the known negative effects of alcohol, we must point out and remember that alcohol consumption in pregnant women is totally discouraged.

Similarly, we have not taken into account cocktails and combinations such as mojito, caipirinha or daikiris because their classification is complicated as it depends on the amount of alcohol used and the amount of sugar that is used. It adds to these cocktails.

What is the relationship between alcohol and sugar?

One of the negative effects that the consumption of alcohol in our body has is its negative interference in the hormones that our body secretes to maintain stable blood glucose levels. For this reason, the higher the content or alcohol content of the drink, the greater will be its interference (based on the assumption that, however minimal, alcohol will always interfere negatively in our organism).

The three worst alcoholic drinks you can consume

  • absinthe

In the first place in this ranking we find the famous Absinthe Liquor, which presents 70% to 96% alcohol content. Due to the interference we have already mentioned that alcohol consumption in blood glucose levels and other hormones, being the drink with the highest alcohol content, tops our list

  • white gin

In the second place, and quite a distance, we found white gin, with a total percentage of 46'3% alcohol. Nowadays gin and tonics have become fashionable again and gin is one of the drinks that has experienced the highest sales growth in the last two or three years. It is usually taken alone, with tonic or with lemon as the most common form of consumption.

  • whiskey

And closing the first drawer of our ranking, with 45% volume of alcohol, we find another favorite alcoholic beverage (especially for the adult population): whiskey. Its form of consumption is mainly only (well, okay, with ice) or combined with Coca-Cola or energy drinks (we'll see later what happens if we mix alcohol and energy drinks).

The three alcoholic beverages least harmful to our health

In the fifteenth position of the ranking, we have red wine with 13.5% of total alcohol volume. Red wine has been the subject of strong debates because of the strong defense that certain groups have made, arguing that resveratrol content is a very beneficial compound for our organism (here it fell into an alarming reductionism because what was good was the resveratol, not the Red wine).

In the position number sixteen, we find white wine with a 12.5% ​​of total volume of alcohol. With white wine occurs exactly as with red wine, because its defenders were hiding in components such as the resveratol to indicate that "a copy of wine a day is good for the heart."

And as the alcoholic beverage less bad for our health, closing this ranking, we have beer. However, due to the large number of types of beer in the world, it is almost impossible to say an approximate percentage of alcohol content, because we can find beers with a content of 3% alcohol until beers, such as the Gulden Draak with a 10.5% of total alcohol content. Still, we find the drink less harmful to our body.


I'm now not drinking alcohol for 1 month, its a challenge :)
I can even see that I'm losing weight now

good can also drink drinks that do not contain alcohol level my love as a San Francisco, virgin Mojito, Virgin pina colada, Arnold Palmer among others who do not leave you blame thank you for commenting cute.

There are some concluded evidence that show that some glasses of wine a week between the ages 60-70 have som benifical effects. Although your viewing upon alcohol in general is correct, great post! =)