The magic godfathers -EN-ES Los padrinos magicos

in #drinks10 months ago

¡Hello Hive community!

When you are lucky enough to have super friends, you are lucky. And as the song says, he who can can!

My friend Guille called me yesterday and told me that his parents gave him a pair of tickets to go to see primavera sound, a festival which takes place all over the world and they gave them to him because there were bands that he and his girlfriend Meli like playing. So his parents gave them a couple of tickets so that they could go to Barcelona to see him. This was on a Tuesday. How was it? I'll tell you now.

Guille and Meli, automatically thought of me to invite me to go with them. They have the opportunity to invite me and to be able to go anywhere at a moment's notice because their parents are very well off and live a very different life from the one we can live. So since they know that the bands they were going to see are also from my family and we share them, it occurred to them to invite me to go with them. They asked me if I was ready to go, that I didn't have to do anything, just pack my bag to go for a week, so I grabbed my passport and told my partner that this opportunity had come up and that I should hold out for a week. My partner is clearly a genius and without thinking he told me, go ahead and enjoy it, I'll take care of everything with the kids.

We left early in the morning on the first flight they could find to get there because we were pressed for time. The trip was pure sleep. I, at least, slept everything I could not give more anxiety before boarding the plane so I could not sleep at all and when we got on the plane as soon as it took off I was already sleeping. We arrived in Spain, left everything in the apartment and changed and went to the Instagram pool to do a little preview. It was full of people.

After having a few drinks and enjoying the sun with a little nap on some deck chairs, we activated and went to the stage to see the beautiful and long awaited bands that we went to see. The first of them was Space Channel 5, uffff tremendous, our night started like that and we were already in the main show. It was so crazy to have the feeling of seeing such a mainstream band and the festival was just starting. When the festival ended we had an excitement that was impossible to stop. We followed with Imperatrice. There I think I was already touching the sky with my hands, that's my favorite of the three we went to see. The show was amazing, the staging and the set list was out of this world. When the show ended I was ready to run out to sea and drown like Alfonsina Storni from the emotion I had.

But there was more to come, the show that the Justice Pour Tous guys were waiting for. A music bomb. The sound that this band played was huge, you could feel the music in your chest as the bass hit and the lights they were wearing were very different from the others. Although it is not my favorite, it was the best show of the three. When we finished we were broken with fatigue from many hours of flying and without stopping we went straight, plus the time difference and the whole show was death. So when we got out of there we went to a bar that I love and we went to have a drink to relax before going to sleep. A beautiful memory of a dreamy night living a foreign and beautiful life.

I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!

Spanish version

¡Hola comunidad de Hive!

Cuando tenes la suerte de tener super amigos es que tenes la suerte. Y como dice la canción, ¡El que puede puede!

Me llamo mi amigo Guille ayer que le regalaron los padres un par de entradas para ir a ver primavera sound, un festival que se hace en todo el mundo y se las regalaron porque puntualmente tocaban bandas que le gustan a él y a su novia Meli. Entonces los viejos les regalaron un par de entradas para que se vayan a verlo a Barcelona. Esto fue un martes. ¿Cómo fue? ahora les cuento.

Guille y Meli, automáticamente pensaron en mí para invitarme a ir con ellos. Tienen la oportunidad de invitarme y de poder irse de viaje a cualquier lado así de un momento para el otro porque los padres son personas muy bien acomodadas y viven una vida bastante diferente a la que nosotros podemos vivir. Entonces cómo saben que las bandas que iban a ver son también de mi agada y las compartimos, se les ocurrió invitarme a ir con ellos. Me preguntaron si estaba para ir que no tenía que hacer nada, solo armar el bolso para ir una semana asique agarre mi pasaporte avise a mi socio que me había salido esta oportunidad y que me aguante una semana. Mi socio claramente es un genio y sin pensar me dijo, anda tranquilo y disfrutalo yo me ocupo de todo con los chicos.

Salimos a la madrugada en el primer vuelo que encontraron para llegar porque el tiempo nos apremiaba. El viaje fue puro sueño. yo al menos me dormi todo no daba más de la ansiedad antes de subir al avión asique no pude dormir nada y cuando subimos apenas despegó yo ya estaba durmiendo. Llegamos a España, dejamos todo en el departamento y nos cambiamos y nos fuimos a la pool parte de Instagram a hacer un poco de previa. Estaba lleno de gente.

Después de tomar unos traguitos y disfrutar un poco del sol medio que con una siestita de por medio en unas reposeras, activamos y nos fuimos para los escenario a ver las hermosas y tan esperadas bandas que fuimos a ver. La primera de ellas fue Space Channel 5, uffff tremendo, arrancó así nuestra noche y nosotros ya estábamos en el show principal. Era muy loco tener la sensación de estar viendo una banda tan mainstream y recién arrancaba el festival. Cuando terminó el festival nosotros teníamos una excitación imposible de frenar. Seguimos con Imperatrice. Ahí yo creo que ya estaba tocando el cielo con las manos, esa es mi favorita de las tres que fuimos a ver. El show estuvo alucinante la puesta en escena y la lista de temas fue de otro planeta. Cuando terminó el show yo estaba para salir corriendo al mar y ahogarme como Alfonsina Storni de la emoción que tenía.

Pero quedaba más, faltaba el show que esperaban tanto los chicos Justice Pour Tous. Una bomba de música. El sonido que puso esa banda era descomunal, se sentía en el pecho la música como pegaban los bajos y las luces que llevaban eran muy diferentes a las demás. Aunque no es mi favorita, a nivel show fue el mejor de los tres. Cuando terminamos estábamos rotos de cansancio muchas horas de vuelo y sin parar fuimos directo, más la diferencia de horas y todo el show fue la muerte. Asique para bajar cuando salimos de ahí nos fuimos a un bar que me encanta a mi y nos fuimos a tomar un traguito para relajar antes de irnos a dormir. Un recuerdo hermoso de una noche soñada viviendo una vida ajena y hermosa.

¡Espero que lo hayan disfrutado tanto como yo!


Originally posted on DClub Community Articles. Hive blog powered by ENGRAVE.


Wow man, that sounds like such an amazing experience there. It's so cool how spontaneous you all were, and those bands must have been incredible live. I can feel your excitement through your words 😂😂😂😂

it was really a great experience, thank you for your comments.

You're welcome bro