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RE: June DreemPort Challenge - showcasing.... whoever can guess first wins 100 Dreem!

Well, I think that is the coolest thing, ever!!! I didn't even know you did that! I will be sure to be on the alert for some Dreemy-looking people. :)

That is very inspirational, going around and supporting people like this. I feel so loved and I haven't even been hugged yet.

tosses you a tootsie roll

You are the best. Just don't eat all my tootsie rolls! Always.

Love to you.


mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm tootsie rolls.

I'm on my detox (i do them 2ce a year LOL why? because for 10 months of the year i eat too many tootsie rolls ROFLLLLLLLL) but i shall save them all for July 1 - when my detox is finished! hahahahaha

love you right back! hehehehe and I hope that you will be oh-so-hugged on Friday! hehehehe

Good for you. It used to be a yearly thing for me until it was no longer. I just stopped eating tootsie rolls!! You behave, you hear! :)

Again, that is so cool of you to descend upon a community like that!

i shall totally behave! hahahahahaha

oh my gosh, lady - i'm seriously on a mission this year. I was doing SO great at the end of last year. then my mom got very very sick, and stress descended.. and food. FOOD.

whatever, whenever - it was just the easiest thing to self-medicate with all the stress

and then - weeeeeeeeeeee! there goes my self-discipline.

but now she is all better. so what excuse do I have, right?

if she's getting better, I need to get myself back on track so I DON'T end up sicker in 20 years! right??? hehehehe

so this year - mission!!!
by Dec 31 I want to have achieved a weight loss goal that I have been dangling in front of myself for 30 years LOL

and i'm gonna do it! so don't you worry! hahaha this Halloween - I shall hide all the tootsie rolls for both of us! LOLOLOL

I am so sorry about your mom! Moms are so special. When something happens to them, it is scary. When it is so real, it is so very profound. My mommy.

Le sigh.

You said she is all better? I am so happy to hear that. Yes! Get your stuff together! We need to keep healthy so we can be around and be in good shape. I am on the same mission, and I will succeed. I need to shed a few, but, more than that, making the body run like a well-oiled machine.

We can do this! No tootsie rolls for me. Sadly! 😁

Well, I am kicking it. I am tired and I had a full weekend. I will have to tell you about a commode pipe bursting and flooding, in less than ten minutes... Five actually. It has been a circus. Can you believe that?

Because life isn't good enough, I have to run around and look for disasters to happen!

Good night ❤️