I remember the super long line I encountered when I'm applying for my passport. I was alone that time, so to ease my boredom I talked to the people beside me and even met a chef that was been featured in a news magazine show. It's really nice to talk to people, as you'll learn something from them. That experience was 5 years ago
Now, this passport is due to expired very soon
I have a lot of plans before, to travel, to work abroad, to see the world, but sadly, many things have happened that made me forget what I wanted to do.
It doesn't even got a stamp. It's still the same on how I've got it. Still clean as new.
Very soon I'll renew my passport, hoping this time, I'll get to go to the places I have hoped to see and have it dirt by the ink of the stamp.
I so feel you. Mine though is to expire on 2021. Hopefully it will get stamp before that
True, you still have a lot of time, so get it inked :)