The First Challenge To Live your Dreams is Here!
6 SBD for the top 3 Entries!!!
An important read from the original guide
Why are we Doing This...What is the Point?
To motivate one another to create the life we long for through turning dreams into reality. To live for freedom as some great ones have mentioned before: Emancipate Yourself From Mental Slavery. ~ source ~
What about the HOW, you ask?
By encouraging each-other achieve a few goals:
- Exploring every nook and cranny of our lives searching for clues of dreams come true
- Learning to identify dreams that have come true but perhaps were forgotten
- Opening up to the possibilities that dreams can materialize in real time
- Sharing our findings by posting with #DreamsComeTrue so we can learn and benefit together
The Challenge Question:
What is the oldest Childhood Dream you can remember?
The Rules
- Create a Post answering the challenge question
- Your post must have a link to this challenge
- Tag your post with #DreamsComeTrue
- Reply here with a link to your entry (your entry without a reply in the comment section of this post will not count)
- You must enter this challenge prior to post payout for your entry to be considered valid
- Take your time, be sincere with your answer and have fun going down memory lane
- Only one entry per participant

I want love to be the trend and laziness to be a thing of the past.
Up-Vote, Re-Steem and Reply. Your comments are always welcome! Don't forget...#DreamsComeTrue!!!
I love this idea for dreams come true. I will have to take some time and reflect back as you suggested. fun!
I think there will be more contests after this one, each one an exercise of sorts, for helping in making dreams come true.
I'm glad you like the idea.
I really do like your concept. I am a lucid dreamer and write my dreams down in a journal for years now. They speak to me very clearly as to where I am and what my soul essence is going through. Dreams are very powerful expressions for our guidance.
Oh that is so cool, I was only able to lucid dream a couple times in my life. Both times i decided to play with flying so I didn't explore very is very hard to keep a dream journalnin the beginning!
Keep up the good work!
Thanks for your comment it makes me want to start writting my dreams again, I just have to find the motivation!
You are welcome, when it is time to journal you will. Even if it is only for your significant ones. It is very interesting to me that while I personally write down my dream, as I am doing so, I get the understanding of what was happening. Love it!
That is interesting. I have been wanting to practice all these different technique to get into lucid dreaming and I do from time to time but than I get lazy....
Thanks I like to t think when the time comes I will.
Great writing prompt! I really believe in this initiative and value your effort in helping all of us realize our dreams. Looking forward to recalling longstanding dreams, and waking them into reality.
Thank you @mountainjewel. I wrote my own answer to the prompt the other day and I went back in time it was amazing!!!
Nice one @olawalium, Looks like you're the first one so far!
Yaaaay! Thanks. More are coming...i will mobilize them.
Awesome, just one entry for this challenge... but there eill be more with different prompts!
There will definitely be more to come. They are sharpening their writing skills and seeing which of the memories to pop open.
Lol...and here they come!
Five people already joined.
Waooh. This is really a nice opportunity to go back to those old times. I remember all that - when i grow up, i will be a pilot - stuff. This is good. I will take my time to sift through my numerous childhood dreams and get the best out of them. Thanks for this opportunity and i will spread the word to friends who will be interested to join.
Thanknyou for your enthusiasm @focusnow.
This challenge is starting to give me the chills a little as I see it being re-steemed here and there... I am afraid of the amount of reading there will be, but I am also very excited to learn a little something from everyone's posts!
I will post my dream soon (not as an entry, but as something I also have wanted to put in writing)
Thank you
Since the first post of yours on this topic this question has been on rotation in my mind.
My childhood is still very murky in my memories. I am working on digging deep, I hope I find something to add.
You are doing great work, my friend.
Thank you for your praise @borrowedearth.
Keep digging you'll find something. After our chat the other day I decided to write one too, it brought me back to 1981 when i was 5 or 6!!!
You can do it...and remember it is really just an exercise for the memory, so as long as you're true to your word, the oldest dream you can remember is the oldest dream you can remember!
It is really nice idea! I will join...
Nice, I can't wait to read your entry @chorock! I have a feeling it may involve something about traveling and seeing the world... either way I'm sure it will be good.
I wrote mine (not for the contest) and I went backbto 1980 or 1981, when I was 5 or 6 years old!!! It was a real trip in a time machine!
I hope you will enter the challenge @olawalium.
You can trust me on that.
Yea I thought I could!
Oe very cool! I dont know if I am actually gonna participate in this, but I will give it a nice resteem :)
I just noticed the resteem...GINAbot you know!
Thank you so much.... a little sad you may not participate though!
GINABOTTT..... your bff ;)
Yea for sure!
This is such a fantastic initiative, @senorcoconut! So many of my childhood dreams have come to fruition, often in ways that meant I didn't even notice it had happened until quite a while after the fact... I will have a think about this and get back to you on it... Jay xx
That's exactly what I've been trying to say... In this community I see people helping exactly through examples such as this, the way you worded it seems to make more sense than what I have been trying to translate out of ny thoughts....!
Thanks, hopfully you will have time to write an entry.
Thank you
here is my entry....
Great post, I just read it again @mosesogenyi.
Bullies have aleays been part of this human sorld I'm sure...and revange, well everyone wantsbit, it's just a matter of recognizing that it's never worth it!
Thanks for your entry
My link
Just read your entry. You gave so many inspiring pointers on how to build out your dream, I loved it.
This is a great initiative..thanks for helping us remember our childhood..
You're very welcome, it's been a dream of mine to motivate others to reach for theirs!
Looks like that dream is another dream come true!
Hopefully we will see an entry from you too @ponmile?
Yes...definitely..i will send my entry soon
Ok see you soon!
my entry
Amzing what you did for your siblings... keep your heart gentle and loving and keep chasing the dream, you'll be flying in no time!
Thanks for your entry
Wow this is awesome. This got me thinking. Well I'm in. Expect me entry soon @senorcoconut Yaaayyyy
Alright @oredebby, I'll wait for it. I'm happy it got you thinking!
Yea... Thanks I just dropped my entry link
Thanks going to read it right now!
Here's my entry
Very cool Mr "I've never lost a case". That was an awesome read.
Thank you for your entry
You're welcome
I'm glad you like it
Yaaassss. Here's my entry @senorcoconut
Thank youuuu
Yaaaaaaaaay! Excited.
Great write up Madam! Thank you for taking the time to enter this challenge.
Thanks so much @senorcoconut
You're welcome 😊
Thanks for this excellent challenge @senorcoconut! Here is my entry :)
Thank you for a really beautiful story and history! Such a wild life for your father.
One day I will tell you about my grandmother who had a similar life full of hardship, full of hard work and full of love.
Here it is!Hey @senorcoconut, Aimee just finished writing her entry to this contest but is currently busy with the babies.
Excellent, I will read it shortly and get back to you guys. Thanks for your entry!
wow...when I was child, I feel that I can fly like superman :)
You still have to dream that!