The Dreams of 2013 - Part Two

in #dreams7 years ago (edited)

This is the second half of 2013's dreams. If you would like to read part one, find it here

It was my birthday, and it was dark out. It seemed like my friend was the only one there, but she really wanted me to leave with her. I wasn’t having a good time, but my parents wanted me to stay. Finally we got them to agree to let us go to the mall together.

At the mall she must have turned into a different friend, and it wasn’t a mall, it was more of a grocery store. I was going through the food, looking for nothing in particular. She was picking out a lot of junk food that I wouldn’t be able to eat, and I didn’t want to pay for it. I hoped she would pay for it herself.

As we walked towards the checkout lines, I noticed there were a lot of ball jointed dolls for sale, lines up, mostly in boxes, against a wall. I called out to her.

“Hey, before we leave we should look at the ball jointed dolls.”

She flipped a bit. There were two huge ones without boxes, they had to have been four or five feet tall but I don’t remember seeing anything of them other than their arms and elbows, all elbows. Then there were four or five in boxes that were more Barbie sized and seemed to be made of wood. I loved these ones. Both of these ones were marked with stickers that said 80, but also with little stickers that said All Must Go.

Doing the math in my head, because I knew those kinds of stickers meant they were half off, I came to the fact that we could probably get these dolls at 23.50 each.

She was taking one out of the box to look at it when a worker came over, smiling and asked us if we needed help. I was looking at the dolls as well. There were four, two of them human and two of them had cat ears. The ones with cat ears were dark browns. She was holding one, but I truly loved the one I was holding, because she looked real, like a real person.

I asked the worker “Can we haggle the price of these?”

He let out a little hum, looking over the box and the stickers.

“I think the lowest we could go would be 25.”

That was still expensive to me, and I thought it over. Suddenly I noticed that all four of the boxes were open and everything was on a table, there was another worker there, arranging little tiny figurines that had fallen out of the boxes. Some were pokemon, others were sushi, or just little animals. They were all very cute.

“Would we get to keep any of these figurines at this price?”

“No.” And the workers pulled the figurines from us.

I was running, through some sort of parking lot. It was a children’s school, little children, but I was supposed to be running through this space, I was just far behind everyone else who was running, and a little lost. I came to a man holding a gate open and he ushered me inside. I kept running up a hill, I was so slow even though I was running.

While I was running I was really regretting not buying that doll. I figured once this was over I would go back there, hoping the doll I wanted was still there. I would look at the third kind of doll that was there as well. My friend had been in too much of a rush for us to look at all the dolls and I was a bit disappointed.

When I finally caught up to everyone else, the students were sitting down already, the teacher giving a lecture. It was a strange setup, the classroom was very very tiny, and the students were all older than high school, sitting in chairs, backs against the sides of the classrooms, with no desks. Everyone glared at me.

The teacher said something about the classes time as a whole was very good.

“Yeah,” said a student, “If we could get some slackers to pick up the pace.”

Someone else brought up how they felt weird running around this little elementary school. Little kids were learning and we could be distracting them. The teacher blew it off.

Suddenly the classroom was a car and I was sitting in the far back right, naked. I tried to cover myself, but all of the other would just look back at me and snicker. I was trying to cover myself up, but it wasn’t working.

We got out of the car and I was dressed again, but I dropped my coat and it went under the car. I reached down to get it, but someone else had already snatched it, trying to hide it within the workings of the car. I yelled at them. They were a black boy, about my age or a little younger, and they laughed at me. He had been in the car with me. I tried getting my coat back again, and then someone else pushed him down to the ground.

He only laughed at me.

“I’m the opposite of you, I don’t mind pain!” And he kept laughing at me. I got shivers.

Suddenly, I knew something was very very wrong.

The Doctor was freaking out. He was crying a bit, holding himself. I couldn’t tell if he was himself or a Pony. I felt so bad for him. I was alone with him now.

“What happened?”

“They- they- I didn’t mean to- I didn’t mean to do anything, but they made me, they made me, but it was what I was made to do.”

Made to do?

I was in a sort of flashback. The Doctor was in a sort of chamber, standing in the middle of it with children all around. There was some sort of flash, and the bottom of the chamber opened, and they all fell out.

Except the children were all dead now, they hadn’t been before, falling slowly, mangled bodies, limbs twisted all wrong, floating down to the ground below them, it was some sort of warehouse everything was in, big lights pointed up at the Doctor and at the chamber he had come from. He was wearing a duel breasted long tan trench coat, his eyes dull and glazed over as he floated down, staying upright, blinking a bit, floating towards the ground.

The Doctor was a weapon, but he never had wanted to use that part of himself.

I was sitting on the floor in my room. The floor was bare and the hardwood was dull. The room was empty of furniture except for a bed with white blankets. The walls were covered in posters. I was listening to the radio, watching it and smiling.

“Earlier today a subject was captured when her house was stormed. She gave herself up when police threatened her family.”

There was a news report. It was more wordy than that, but that was the point.

“This has been a test of the emergency broadcast system.”

There was gunfire outside my room. I panicked, opening my bedroom door. There was a police officer with a riffle firing into my parent’s room. Another man was further back, by stairs leading downstairs, looking up and watching me as I lifted my hands in surrender.

“Please! Please, I surrender, please stop!”

The man with the gun looked at me.

“I’m sorry, I can’t”

I started to cry. I continued to hold my hands above my head, but I didn’t understand why the police wouldn’t stop shooting. I wanted my family safe, and the police wanted me.

The second man came up, making the man with the gun stop shooting and putting me in handcuffs. The handcuffs felt like they had a lot more chain to them than I would have thought they did. I started to calm down.

They led me downstairs. My mom and my brother were there, neither of them were hurt. I stood just inside the front door, turning around and yelling.

“Bye! I love you!”

I could feel tears starting in my eyes, but the police officers were letting me do this.

Mom and my brother called out from upstairs.

“Bye! We love you too!”

The police led me outside. I was trying not to cry. I doubted I would see my family again. Looking up at one and smiling a little I tried to laugh and calm my tears.

“We do that all the time.”

I was put into the police car. I had a heavy sweater on and it was warm out.

There was a police officer lady in the driver’s seat of this police car. She smiled and looked back at me a little.

“We’re going to have to take that off soon, or you’re going to get too hot.”

She drove along, I watched out the window. It was pretty, rivers and trees, we passed over a bridge.

“Nice radio trick, by the way.” I said. “Letting me know I should surrender without losing your element of surprise.”

She took me to a big store. We were walking through it, I still had my handcuffs on. There was food, and I was hungry. But there was also second hand clothes, so I started looking through those. Except I noticed my handcuffs were gone, and got a little paranoid.

Looking through the clothes, I found a nice petticoat for 20 dollars. I also found a cute denim skirt and tried it on, but it wasn’t my style.

When the lady came back I held up the petticoat.

“This is a really good petticoat. I have one- … I had one.” I had to correct myself. I didn’t have anything anymore.

She looked it over a bit. I could feel it against my arm. It was a little scratchier than my old petticoat.

“I don’t know, I don’t really have a lot of money.”

I pouted, and then held my hands out for her.

“Oh right, I forgot, somehow I don’t have handcuffs on anymore? Could you put them back on please?”

But our attention was caught by someone.

A pirate.

Except in dream-land pirates are North Koreans.

And this is where this dream became a musical.

I’ll just let you know pirate North Koreans and elves happened. In a refrigerated section of a supermarket. And there was singing.

In the woody area behind the library (where there is currently construction, but it USED to be a woody area) there was a stream-sized flow of lava. Red, hot, and lazily flowing down towards campus. There were two male students sitting on a big rock next to the stream. They were holding old flip-phones and they were arguing about something.
Further up the stream there were these two walruses. They were smiling and telling jokes. These were clean jokes, little-kid jokes. The lava started to splash up on them a bit, hitting one’s back and the other’s flipper. Their skin and fat started to melt and drip down, but they showed no sign of pain, and continued to tell jokes.
This continued until one walked into the middle of the stream and started to really melt away, skin fat and blood boiling and melting off until the lava had eaten it completely. The walruses were still smiling and joking until the one walrus was only a face looking out of the lava and the other was severely disfigured.

When I woke up after this dream, I felt like something really bad was going to happen today, or had already happened. It was 4:45 when I woke up, so I turned off my alarms (they’re set for 5 and 6) and tried to just calm down and lay in bed. I tried, but I was actually so afraid I would fall asleep again and have another nightmare like this that I got up and took a shower, thinking that might help me. In the shower I felt like I was still dreaming and that it would turn into a nightmare at any moment. I got dressed, realized it was still only 5:25, and laid back down. I wouldn’t sleep, but I stayed there until 7:30, when I have to leave, trying to pump myself up for leaving the house. I DID NOT want to leave the house. My body was telling me that if I left the house today I WOULD DIE. I would get hit by a car. Or a building would collapse in an earthquake with me inside. I was freaking out. Staying in my room felt like a great option.
I was talked into going to classes though. I was still jumpy and nervous, so I skipped my first class.
I found out earlier today that this is basically a low-scale panic attack.
My friend, who deals with nightmares on this scale (not my “bad dreams” that I classify as nightmares) recommends a dream catcher, so I’m going to look into buying or making one myself.

The Job
I was back at the High School, looking at a flyer for a job. It was for an “Inspector” or something, but all it really was for was cleaning up the fields and sports areas. There was a picture of a girl who had been recently hired for the position. She had lion-like red-orange huge beautiful hair and a brown leather jacket. She was super pretty in the two pictures on the flyer, she was smiling wide and looked fierce and yet also friendly.
I knew the girl was me.
I walked into the offices next to the gym because I knew I had to do my job. My favorite PE teacher from High School was there (I don’t remember his name now) and I knew I worked for him. I told him what I was going to go do, and he seemed fine with it.
And then there was something where I was alone in a fancy office.
And then I was Sam from Supernatural.
I was with Dean, we were hunting something. We were outside, in a city, but next to a park. People started running. Something was wrong and everyone needed to hide. There were people hiding everywhere, I ended up trying to hide between two of those green power boxes by lying on my stomach. There was someone next to me doing the same thing, but they had on a brown sweatshirt so it was easy to miss them. I had on my green dinosaur sweatshirt, so I was pretty easy to spot. I tried to hide my hands in my sleeves anyways. I noticed on the ground in front of me there were three DS games, two of them had two different girl’s names sharpied onto them. I picked them up, wanting to return them.
Eventually I thought this hiding space wasn’t working, and apperently everyone was changing hiding spots because everyone was running around again. I sat on the ground, my back pressed up against the box. I saw a little girl run past me, and I shouted the names on the games to see they were her’s. She stopped when I called the second name. I asked if that was her name and she said yes. So I gave the games to her. They were now 1 DS game and 2 of those little disk games that I don’t even know what plays them.
There was an orange mist. But the orange mist could transform into a little girl who looked really angry and had a blonde bob cut. I was trying to hide from this little girl.
In my mind I saw a black girl open one of the green boxes and there were two shelves inside. She crawled in and closed the door again. She was calm and knew what she was doing. It was a perfect hiding spot. I turned around to open the box I was sitting against but there were keys in the lock, so I knew it was locked. I tried opening the second box, and there was a big box inside. I threw my backpack inside and crawled in. There were slits along the top of the box that let air in, and I could see through them. I was so scared, and I knew I was going to die. I tried not to breath, I could see the little girl walking past the box. She looked like she knew where everyone was hiding, but decided not to kill them anyways. She had an evil smile. I knew I was going to die anyways.
I tried to convince myself that I wasn’t going to die, that I had to stay alive in order to kill the little girl and save everyone in the city.
But I was still so scared, and I knew it was hopeless.
Eventually though the girl seemed to be elsewhere and I ran out of the box and towards the city. Somehow I was missing pants. I ran past a lot of electronic billboards and adds for burgers, until I ducked into a bathroom. I tried to hide in a stall, it had accordion doors and that was weird. I was trying not to be seen, but I had ran into a stall full of showers so there wasn’t enough walls to keep me from being seen. I tried to run into a different stall, and I noticed I had pants now but no shirt. I was a guy so I was fine now. I tried to relax a bit but I couldn’t, even though I had no reason to worry anymore.

A group of rednecks who lure people to fall down very deep, cave-like holes, that are rough and look like they were made when the earth was warm, only to melt open. The holes go straight down. The people fall for a long time to what I can only assume to be their deaths.

I was in a warehouse, there were hands growing out of the ground, and they would scuttle around and chase me. There were other people there too, my friends. We had survived some sort of Apocalypse. The hands would grow out of fertilizer bags, they were black and rough all over, like they were made of wet dirt.
I ran outside and towards a van parked in a dirt lot outside the warehouse. There had to be more than fifty of those hands chasing after me, coming towards me from all directions. I tried to get into the car to escape, but a few managed to jump in with me.

The Fire
I am lost. Hopelessly lost and the only thing I can find my way back to is a house that I refuse to go inside. There is a lady who owns the house. I have tried to leave, I somehow remote controlled my moms car to try and drive home as a message to come save me to my parents. I can’t drive well enough, so it ended up going in a ditch off highway nine. The doors were unlocked. I worried someone would steal the car.
I would walk through a neighborhood, only to find that the way I need to go is always blocked by a steep cliff. Once two men are there and try to help me a little. I can’t climb, and maybe fifteen feet off the ground I give up. It’s too high and I’m too scared. The cliff seems to go on forever. I try to call my dad, but I don’t know how to work my phone.
I look for another way around the cliff. I find a warehouse with two scientists working inside. But their back wall is almost the same as the cliff. I would still have to climb it. I start crying, explaining I’m so lost and scared. They lead me outside, and back to the house.
The house is burning. There is some sort of family rivalry between this house and a house a block down. People are having a picnic there while planes fly burning into their yard. Somehow the planes are both there and not there at the same time. The police are there, surveying the scene of both houses. I try to get them to help me but they ignore me.
I tell the lady she has to let me go. She says she has. I tell her I need to know my way home, I need directions through this neighborhood.
She gives a short laugh. “Oh honey that’s impossible.”


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