[Dream Report] The Dream Within a Dream...About Telekinesis?

in #dreams6 years ago


I haven't written one of these for a while mostly on account of not bothering to remember my dreams. I had a string of mostly unremarkable ones until last night. Have you ever woken up from a dream, but you were still dreaming and didn't know it?

I was initially out driving, and had parked my car in front of some sort of department store. I had a flashlight with me that I dropped. Without thinking about why, I reached out for it and willed it to come back. It flew from the ground into my hand! I was astonished.

I wondered if I'd imagined it, but then once inside the store I began testing out the newfound ability on small objects. I couldn't seem to move anything larger than an apple, in fact mostly stuff the size and weight of a walnut or less.

I rationalized this in the dream as the product of the limited energy available to a human brain. It was still a wonderful trick, one I kept concealed at first. When one of the store staff saw me telekinetically moving small objects around for fun, he spoke into a walkie talkie and my image came up on ceiling mounted monitors. My cue to leave.

I drove across the bridge to my parent's house, convinced my dad would understand this if anybody did. But their house was a mess, stacked high with old halloween and christmas decorations. There were plastic spiders, that fake cotton spiderweb and big bags of candy everywhere.

I practiced moving individual pieces of candy across the floor with my mind. When I showed my Dad, he too was astonished. He suggested I try doing more than just pushing or pulling objects and try to expand or condense them as well.

So I did. I found I could crush or inflate a small foam ear plug. Then a marshmallow peep. Anything soft and with some air inside could be easily compressed or expanded. "You haven't shown this to anybody, have you?" Dad asked. I assured him I'd only shown it to him so far.

"Well I think the most likely explanation is that you're dreaming." I thought about that, and a moment later, woke up in my own bed at my house. It really felt as if I'd just woken up too. Fatigue, eye crust and everything. I took for granted that I was actually awake.

But...when I tried to move small objects with my mind, I discovered that I still could! I rejoiced in the belief that I really had telekinesis. After all, if I'd woken up and the power still worked, it must be real! I left my home on a trip to a school where some people I knew apparently taught classes.

It was a beautiful grey marble building with columns that kudzu or some other vine had grown up around and partly consumed. There were students running about and playing outdoor games in the garden surrounding the building. When I found a familiar face, I told them about my telekinesis and demonstrated it.

"Well I think the most likely explanation is that you're in fact still dreaming, and never really woke up." I considered this, and shortly after, I woke up for real. At least I'm pretty sure I did. I spent a minute or two trying to move small objects with my mind this morning before feeling supremely foolish for hoping.

Stay Cozy!


A dream inside a dream. I often asked this question, how do we know which one is a dream. How do we know that the other world in our dream is real and this one is just some other dream?

I have experienced it too. Either theory is able to explain this. But I call it a 'dreaming dream' or 'dream in a dream'.

Maybe you're still dreaming 😅😅
But I know the feeling

If you are ever in need of a creative idea, or find yourself trying to solve a seemingly irresolvable problem, seek no more…you have an unlimited source for inspiration and guidance in the form of your own dreams! Many famous invention, discoveries, literary and musical works have been sourced from the dream world.
Maybe there was something like this in your dream too you just have to point it out, focus on what you saw and get most of it by interpreting it right.

continue trying, may be some day it will work out :D

I woke up for real. At least I'm pretty sure I did. I spent a minute or two trying to move small objects with my mind this morning before feeling supremely foolish for hoping.

Last lines were really funny but not so odd
I assume this happens when we are in a state of nirvana.We sleep way to deep and sometimes it feels like we live a dream inside another dream."Inception"

So in your dreams you're superman that can move things with the mind? I must have wondered you trying to go back to the dream and continue, wow well I hope it happens again

Haha...you sure did feel supremely foolish for trying it for real when you knew you were now really awake.
I have always tried too since from the days of Merlin(ssshh its a secret) and did feel foolish too but a little bit hopeful though. Maybe some mind over matter articles deceiving me.

Dream within dream

reminds me of Inception...

#Dicaprio is love

Yeah..did really love that movie...cant have enough of it.
Twas hard to grasp at first though

Sounds like you're a Jedi Knight in your dreams. You may actually be the last Jedi?? Anyways, what's up with your VR videos. Have you picked up any new games?

I am having internet troubles which prevent me from uploading videos. Not enough bandwidth for that right now. It will be fixed in the near future however.

When you woke up and realized it was just a dream, more than feeling foolish for hoping it to be true, were you super upset? I would have been.

i dont remember even dreams
while you remember dream within dream

Telekinesis is the best way to continue being lazy :)

I also started writing the post about my previous dreams. Also wanted to include telekinesis. I see... I'm not the only one seeing lots of dreams these days.

I had a dozen consecutive dreams where I started moving objects with the help of my mind. I could even feel the energy fluctuations in my hands. But in the end, It was just a dream, of course. One more real than another. I was asking myself, is it even a dream? Wtf, why is it so real.

I think I had that experience as a child, but never in recent memory. Pretty spooky.
Wake up?

a dream within a dream is itself a dream 😂😂

Dream is good but it is not good to use it in reality. Everybody has something to dream about doing something. And so do not put everyone's dream in reality

If you can dream it, you can do it.

Really great writing.

aweosome post that is and i love this post.
i like this kind of post keep it up.all the best

Thanks for sharing your dream and what i liked about your dream is, it consists many aspects like, dad's house, spider and candies, these in my opinion reflecting the aspects of love, fear and taste in your life and possibly dreams are telling you secret messages regarding these aspects. I Always think that dreams are here not just for like that, every aspect have some sort of reason, and dreams are great tools of our life which stored in the subconscious section and our dreams are really powerful sometimes because we feel many times tiredness and weakness after particular dreams and it literally gives an essence as we lived that dream. Let's hope that you will enjoy your dreams. Wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

ooo sounds serious

Pretty cool dream, they do say remembering a dream inside another dream has significance. If I woke up from a dream like your I would definately test my powers. 🐓🐓

One question - is the top spinning?