Lucid dreaming is the practice of becoming aware of being in a dream while still in the dream. Often a person will wake up immediately in surprise at the unusual sensation but with practice or luck it is possible to stay in the dream for a little while and experience it with the awareness that you're dreaming. This awareness, or "lucidity" often brings with it the ability to do things in the dream that you wouldn't have normally considered possible. It can be incredibly empowering to be able to control your own dreams and for many it is a portal to deeper spiritual experiences. Lucid Dreaming is something that happens randomly sometimes once or a handful of times in a person's life but with enough dedication and the right technique you can dramatically increase the likelihood of becoming lucid in your dreams. Here’s a crash course in how you can learn to lucid dream in just 30 days:

Dream Journaling
The first step towards learning how to lucid dream is keeping a dream journal. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy – just writing down the details of your dreams when you wake up will do. Even if you can only manage to jot down some major points or even just a quick sketch, make sure not to skip this step! Of course more detail is better, but you will figure out how much time you are able to give each day to this task. If you don't remember any dreams, make an entry where you note down that you currently don't recall your dreams but that you will write them down if anything comes to you later.
There are a number of reasons why the practice of the dream journal is so important. First of all it sends a message to your subconscious mind that remembering dreams is important which will lead to increased dream recall. Secondly it gives you a record which you can mine for patterns and reoccurring symbols. You can train yourself to do a "Reality Check" when you encounter those patterns.
Reality Checks
As part of your daily routine, perform reality checks throughout the day. This could be counting your fingers or trying to pass your hand through apparently solid matter. If anything "impossible" is occurring you should try to first think, "That's a clear sign that I'm probably dreaming!" If you are dreaming, usually this will result in the actual realization that you are indeed in a dream. For another example, if you look at a digital watch or the clock on your cellphone, look away and then check again a moment later only to find out it has moved backwards or changed completely, then this means you are probably dreaming!
Getting into the habit of performing a reality check at random as well as any time things seem off-kilter increases the chances that you will continue that habit into your dream behavior. Eventually you will do a Reality Check in a dream and if you were doing the test sincerely enough, you will recognize that you're in a dream. You will have achieved the state of Lucid Dreaming.

Practicing meditation regularly helps with calming the mind during sleep and encourages lucid dreaming as well. Meditation gives us the mental space to allow lucidity to slip in between the thoughts. It allows us touch deeper levels of consciousness. Increasing our awareness while awake also has the side effect of increasing our awareness while we are sleeping. A greater level of mindfulness makes us more likely to recognize the dream state when we are experiencing it. Begin by meditating for 10 minutes everyday before bedtime. This will help relax both body and mind before sleeping which increases chances of lucid dreaming.
Lucid dreaming is an incredibly powerful way to explore the inner workings of our minds. By taking just thirty days out of your life to commit yourself fully to this practice, you can learn how to have conscious control over your own dreams. Keep a dream journal, perform regular reality checks during the day, and practice meditation every night before bedtime - all these steps combined will help increase chances of having lucid dreams within those 30 days significantly.

I've had a lot of lucid dreams in my life and these mostly occur during times when I'm actively maintaining the practices. If this topic intrigues you and you'd like to learn more, I would encourage you to listen to a podcast episode that I recorded that goes in depth into the subject of both Lucid Dreaming and Astral Projection. It's posted on my YouTube channel, where you will also find other podcast episodes as well as over a hundred videos with information on a variety of esoteric subjects. I hope you find them interesting and useful! Let me know in the comments below if you have any questions about the whole thing and until next time, Stay Lucid!
Note: All artwork above created by @JeremyCrow

Connect with Jeremy Crow:
My Website: JeremyCrow.com
Twitter: Twitter.com/JeremyCrow
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Instagram: Instagram.com/JeremyCrow
Luciferian Research Society: LuciferianResearch.org