@javybar, Absolutely greatest content included awesome blog post this time. I'm much salute given to you coz you encourage me every day every time. During daydreams, we are slightly detached from our immediate situation. That can mean we are more receptive to ideas generated within our subconscious.
What does it mean to be a Night Thinker?
Actually night time is very silence time. If you want to mind clear with remove stress sure you can get it. No worries needed. Night time can meditate easily. Our thoughts every time being changing. It's positive and negative. But night time if you can meditate deeply, can find positive way and across those positive thoughts succeed way.
Great thoughts my friend, night and day thinking is totally up to us the way to do it. It is out own perception of everything. My opinion could feel different than yours or others. Just think big and create your reality the best way possible. :)