Dream Tales | Poetry | Re: | Memes

in #dream5 months ago

Dream Visions

There was no sound for the flesh to hear only a vision from a traveling monad and a tale of what he saw before he was reborn into good mourning. -@dreamtales

In idleness on a canoe off the coast of a dense rainforest to my left, statues fell. From the ocean to my right, fireballs shot down from the heavens, toppling over giants. The giants were of statue and were taller than the trees. Cliffsides rocks and boulders fell into the ocean below.

The above paragraph explains what I saw in short summary. In reality I can't explain the details of the events. I remember the lucidity of it all. It was so real o could snell the salt in the air, feel the wood of the canoe 🛶 beneath me. I swayed too and fro when the waves pushed against my transport. The flashing of explosions from the fireball impacting, there were none, but fireballs did hit. When I saw a huge wave coming, I slightly panicked but it was enough to lose concentration and I came awake into a different dream where I write this down now. The trees were of pine and covered all the land scross the entire shore. There was no beach side to park my canoe.

This isn't the first time i rode in this canoe. The first time was more vivid still and led me through a series of events that span over 10000 years. I experienced it all, unable to move, my footing was deep beyond the grass roots. But this I tell in a different day.


Source: Memes@rmeant2bestolen.com.mi


Well, there goes my first reward. Forget about that last question @globalcurrencies. I invite you here to speak freely on why you disagree with my statement since you gave me a dv.

I agree @antisocialist, I am thankful I have not had many encounters with the type these last few years. Cocain is heavily dished out here where I live. I see a degrading of my people and it saddens me to see them this way. But even still, I can't help them. I could only help myself to escape the temptations that they try to bring to the table. Here I am, living alone, striving for independence and liberty snd trying to figure out how to help people lose their cult from my other blog on substack.


Apart from dreams, I write my own poetry. I lose myself in the music of various songs i listen to as I write it. It helps me express what is locked up inside. Hope you enjoy.

Dreams, memes, comment and post responses, poetry and music is what you will get from me. Considering how RPC is low. I am not sure when I will get to post this. Anyways, here is my first poetry in this platform:

Step on your lovers toes
Ask them how does the dance goes
Moving sqaures and circles
Triangular fortunes, dirks and empty food bowls

Darkness rises over all of us
The devil is here to recount memories
Long drive on the desert bus
Sun burning away calories

Driving each other mad
We know how all this will go
The mystery of the foe
"How could something good be so...
... bad."

The bus is on fire
Flames rising higher
The world burned to inspire
"Here we are against the big liar.
What shall we do with these two my sire?"
"Smoke them out with their own desire,
Let their punishment be dire"

Wake up your living in a nightmare
"Don't die in this dream and don't forget to scream"
Get out thrive and dare. We'll be waiting there.

Burn all the tires
Cut out the wires
Behead all the sires
Rise above the choirs

He knows not what to do with thee
Please do not bend the knee
Watching down from the great tree
Descending down to set us free
Our foolish mistakes came with decree
Here we all are raising the degrees
Hell turned cold because of we
Can't stop now we're on a killing spree
Watch us light the candle on our death-day pastry

The world spins on our cabob
Nothing left worth for us to rob
No more tears no time to sob
Jamming the airways while smoking Bob
We tune to independent media from the mob.

Unite all the lovers
Bring us back the summer
The joints get rolled over and over
They brought Nuclear winter and the heat was a bummer
Drone strikes over innocent Palestinians on the front cover
Sovereign children dead by an israeli drone gunner.

Foretold, the bridge collapsed away
Meanwhile american school children taught to be gay
Rising suns on your screens today
Yesterday was the same, mi Rey
Tomorrow no one knows but we'll write it in clay.
Tonight the sky is grey
Demons run when truth has knecks to slay

Beheading green dragons mid city after wisdom invites
The greys come out to give us all spite
Double edged swords they scare into fright
Our spells turned them into a kite
High above they be to feel our thunder strike
After the flash of light
The deed was done they knew we could bite
But this is only just starting and we refuse to let them out of our site
They begged to be let loose or our short fuse
Before, they gave not one of us one moral shite
Now they will taste why, with us, they should not fight.
No one is wrong and none are right.
The fight for liberty required a dark might.


Today's Underground music artist MC MA'AT.

Notice to the public:

To avoid receiving any unfortunate downvotes on my part, all rewards are set to null. If you like my content and wish to reward me, then consider transfer by wallet instead to @dreamtales

I accept any and all forms of crypto, just let me know so I can get a cold storage wallet ready for transferring. Or just transfer hive. Thank you for stopping by. I'll see you all in the public forum ie: comment section battlefield

Join the Wisdom Academy and find out hidden knowledge kept secret from you.

We are the microcosmic expression made in flesh. We are the one, for all is one and one is made into the all. We are God. We are what we have always been seeking. The path is inward.

Nothing new under the sun. New wisdom is just old wisdom, but noone listened so we tell it all again.


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How can you tell if your smartphone is good at playing music?
By the number of gigs it has.

Credit: reddit
@dreamtales, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of memehive
