Reflections Mixed media contest - my part of the entry - art

in #drawing7 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemians!

This is my part of reflections dual entry for the Reflections #1: A Mixed Media Collaboration Contest held by @tinypaleokitchen.

My partner in crime for this one is @cizzo. Please check his entry here: Misha (short story)

Let me start with the finished image:

I was celebrating the rise of SBD, STEEM and Bitcoin and was doodling some things, preparing to play a game and was contacted by @cizzo on discord. He mentioned the contest and asked me if I would like to draw something for it (and linked few of my previous works). I was intrigued and after pretty short time thinking about it I said yes.

WE tried to come up with an idea, but decided to leave it and later on he got an idea about the story. All I got was a picture, and knowledge that it's about a dog. My mind started racing. I said to myself that I'll do it.

Not soon after I started doodling on a blank piece of paper:

it was a rough sketch using the reference image

Then I added some details and played with lines for a while:

and something clicked

Then came the time to use my fine liner:

honestly, I sort of dreaded that moment as I was not feeling at my best (I got flu and I may have been shaking a bit) :p

All was good, and then I decided to use only one colored pencil for the fur:

I did all sorts of crazy things here using only one color to draw/paint this image and it worked well

Finally, I added grass and the path/road:

When I shared this image with @cizzo he was happy and I was even happier because of that. It didn't take long. It was fun to draw and it makes me feel good as I believe he smiled when he saw the picture.

Have fun and keep steemin!


So nice :)

Thank you :)

it looks good : )

Thank you very much :)

Indeed it did make me smile :). I love the drawing, though I am biased since its of my dog. Would love to collab again soon @zneeke

I would be happy to do the art for the next collaboration project :)