RoFL we would all be DOOOOOOOOOOMED if your dragon character could fly scrawly there would be no escape XD Also that looks awesome the sun effect in particular is really nice, adds to the sense of motion :)

RoFL we would all be DOOOOOOOOOOMED if your dragon character could fly scrawly there would be no escape XD Also that looks awesome the sun effect in particular is really nice, adds to the sense of motion :)
Maybe if my character monster can evolve in the game and then show up again in late game as a BIGGU FLYING TERROR OF DESTRUCTION??!!! Death from above! :D
Hehehe, I hope @holoz0r reads this one lol.
I read everything I'm tagged in! You never know, it could happen.
Wow you are lightning fast XD.
If your character has your speed, he would never get eaten lol.
I use GinaBot on Discord to let me know when I get mentioned.
Oh jeez that would be terrifying. And awesome. But mostly terrifying XD
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