A New Drawing...
Jaaajajajaja "new" in steemit, will be xD Hello, Constellations How does life treat them?
This portrait was made in 2014 from an existing image and I wanted to add the original here next to its source, but as aaalways, I deleted it after doing it and I can not find it anymore but I think it's Megan Fox...
Fortunately, I came up with the great idea of photographing the process, not everything, but enough 👍

Finished Drawing.

The Drawing Currently:

Weeell, my friends!
That has been everything! As you may have noticed, it was a post with few words, but I hope I have compensated with the images.
At the time of accompanying a drawing with text, I remain blank, especially if the drawing is not the work of my imagination, this image already existed and I just drew it, so there is little I can describe it emotionally. However, I think we all leave a bit of soul even in replicas.
I really hope you liked this post, people! And if so, SUPPORT ME WITH A SUPER VOTE 😊 👍
Gracias! @art-venture !!! :')
You're quite talented my friend :) love this piece of art
Gracias por tu comentario, @cobmaximus! :D Me alegra y me motiva :D
yay q dicha q te motiva :) eres muy buen artista, animo sigue adelante