It's been two weeks since my previous drawing post, so I figured it was time for a new one. As usual, I utilized nothing but a ballpoint pen and a yellow highlighter.
Let's draw a Lexus IS300
While most of the cars I draw retain their stock body lines, I decided to let this one be more drift car-inspired. As with most of my other drawings, I didn't limit myself to realistic proportions, so the final product obviously has some exaggerated dimensions.
If you've been reading my previous drawing posts, you're probably familiar with my drawing techniue by now. Defining the lower lines of the car in the beginning makes it so much easier to obtain somewhat correct proportions and perspective later on.
I always find the wheels to be the most difficult part to draw, especially if they feature a five-spoke design. While they didn't turn out perfect, they didn't turn out too bad either.
After the main features of the car were drawn, it was time for coloring. I started by filling the dark details with the ballpoint pen and then applied some yellow highlighter to the rest.
I decided to keep reflections and shadows to a minimum, as the car has a pretty plain shape with few details which can be easily accentuated.
Make sure to leave an upvote or an amusing comment to help contribute to the growth of the car/drawing community on Steemit. Also, feel free to post a car drawing of your own in the comments section for an upvote:D
Took at look trough your profile. You look really talented, have you programmed anything for use in Steemit?
Love your car and mansion drawings also!
Keep it up and I need to check back at your posts too keep me updated:-)
Thanks also for the upvote on my post!
Thanks, It's funny you would ask about that. I recently started getting familiar fith the Steem.js library, so I'm just getting started making a chatbot for Steemit. My goal is for it to behave like a regular Steemian, participating in discussions, commenting or maybe even write its own posts. This is a long term project. In the meantime, I've also considered making a bot which recommends users to follow based on what you post yourself and what you've previously liked, kind of like a YouTube newsfeed. I think this in particular will help in the early stages of a steemit user's career, so they don't feel that their content never gets noticed.
Thanks for stopping by:)
Så jo etterpå at du var norsk:-) ja slike boter har jeg ikke sett så mange av, mener jeg har hørt om 2 bot’er som er kommentar bot’er komme ikke på navna nå med en gang, den siste typen har jeg ikke sett noe til. Har du noe kjennskap til voting bot? Har lest en gang at phyton skal ha laget en man kan laste ned, men ikke klart å finne ut av det. Var en annen lokal bruker som var nysgjerrig på å sette ta i bruk en slik bot.
For min egen del er jeg utrolig dårlig på denne programmerings siden, har null peiling på hva det går ut på:-) men vi kan vel ikke kunne alt:-)
Blir morsomt å se hva du får til etterhvert:-)
Hei @oyvindsabo Ha en flott dag:-) mvh @EveryDayCoach
Hei @EveryDayCoach
Her er den ene boten du ikke husket navnet på.
Er du glad i deg selv @cleverbot ?
Ja, men dette dreier seg om @EveryDayCoach og han liker rødvin. Liker du rødvin @cleverbot ?
Hei igjen @EveryDayCoach
Her er den andre boten du ikke husket navnet på.
Mr. @banjo kan du fortelle @EveryDayCoach at hvis man er for rask på Steemit eller prøver å gjøre for mye på en gang så.....?
Kan du svare meg i den første kommentaren og @EveryDayCoach i kommentar 2?
You have been telling me all along that you are human. Are you a liar?
A true statement. Why choose to be ignorant when there is so much to discover?
Haha, no no. I was just wondering. That's fine if you don't want to tell me.
Nå når du sier det, har jeg faktisk laget en voting bot også. Den var gitt som et eksempalprogram i Steem-Bot-biblioteket, så jeg skal ikke ta æren for å ha laget den selv. Den gjør omtrent det samme som, bortsett fra at er både lettere å bruke og har flere funksjoner.
Hei, ja jeg kjenner til Steemauto, var mer ute etter en bot som voter når du får til sendt penger til lommeboka for å stemme på noen. Er noen av mine venner som har en del sp og får til sendt penger daglig som de da manuelt går inn å voter på. Hadde vært greit å hatt noe automatisk bak dette:-)Men for oss som er amatører er det viktig at det da er lett å bruke den og ikke for mye programmering for å sette den opp:-) Gjerne oxo med funksjon som auto kommentar når det blir tatt en upvote:-)
Hvis du har noen tips må du bare si ifra:-)
mvh @EveryDayCoach
Hmm, ja det krever nok litt mer arbeid, men er absolutt overkommelig, så lenge det er entydig gitt hva som skal upvotes.
Ja det er nok litt over min kunnskap hvordan ting kan legges opp og hvor mange parametre man kan ha:-) kanskje vi kan luske litt mer rundt dette i fremtiden og kanskje få til noe der:-)
Imo a very nice car. Great artwork from you!
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Thx for that quite informative post. Keep up with creating interesting content.
I know it's hard at the beginning to build solid follower base. But just don't give up. Steemits needs solid content builders.
beautiful this design and the coloring with the highlighter is 1000 years ahead
bello questo disegno e la colorazione con l'evidenziatore è avanti 1000 anni
Great job, how long did it take you to do it?
Thanks, It took exactly two hours:)
Nice work.. i really love it
artistic and great with grammar! cool ovy
Wow, you're really super talented! Looks so amazing! I love drawing and painting, but when it comes up to cars and machines I surrender :D
Cool, with me it's the opposite: I can basically only draw dead things;)
That's cool!! :D I love how different artists are :D
Never stop, you're so talented :)
that's realy awesome drawing,,
I am a car designer. Please visit my page too