I'm currently reading about Nikola Tesla and his important part in history as one of the best, if not the best scientist of all time. The amount of knowledge and understanding of electric currents this man had was unworldly. Tesla worked for Thomas Edison for a while and then both became rivals constantly competing in what they called "The War of the Currents" which Nikola Tesla eventually won in turn bringing electricity to America. Tesla has filed more than 300 patents and a lot of them still remain classified by the U.S. Government. One of the supposed inventions that is classified was an anti-gravity machine (aka the SPACE DRIVE). Just imagine if we were able to use this technology today in everyday life. I personally feel we've been purposely held back on innovates and technologies that would make the world a better place to live in. I don't exactly agree with it because the reasoning for this is probably to just have an upper-hand on everyone else, personal greed, and total control. I'm willing to bet that if the patented inventions that the U.S. kept classified, were made public, we would be living in a competently different technological era. Unfortunately that's not the case... Its nice to dream thought.
"I don't care that they stole my idea... I care that they don't have any of their own" -Nikola Tesla
Thank you for checking out my Nikola Tesla portrait sketch and reading my opinions on this subject. I love reading your ideas and opinions, so if you have opinions of your own, don't hesitate to leave a comment below!

A subtil expression! Thank you for sharing
Wow... That are some serious skills... Good work
Thanks @wilku ! Glad you enjoyed!
I've been in the museum of Tesla in Serbia - there is his dust in an urn. Such a gifted mastermind. Now money change the view point and we won't reach his level of ideas for energy and so on. Great paintings btw!
Thank you! That's so cool! I would love to go to the museum of Tesla and read about everything. And agreed. Money, greed, and control is the reason we're held back on medical and technological advances sadly.
really great post
I like it!!
Thanks @mfestra ! :)
Great read and fantastic portrait. :)
Thanks @noellesevilla ! Glad you enjoyed ! :D
Awesome drawing! This guy has so many patents and made so many advances possible today that it's insane. I wish he would get more recognition.
Thanks ! yea he was totally underrated and we barely hear about him in history classes. It's a shame..
Yeah, but we can't stop hearing about Edison though... :/
Lol oh you mean the guy that writes his name on everything. He funded Guglielmo Marconis ideas for the first radio telegram and Marconi ended up winning a Nobel prize but then the courts invalidated Marconis radio patents because it was all based off of Teslas inventions. xD
I' have a great admiration for this man... drawing him with this fierce and steady glance is just wonderful, thank you !
He's great. I'm going to be doing more research on his inventions. They're so cool. Glad you enjoyed!
It was so amazing
Thank you :)