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RE: Alien invasion. By kspeaks

in #drawing8 years ago

I can see that. I can tell I am still me but it's more of an out of body experience. Like something does seperate or go somewhere. I described it once as being on the backseat while someone else drives your body and you can only watch from a distance or try to enjoy the ride. Everyone has voices within them but the voices I hear are predominantly male, talk gibberish, and really dark and demonic. There is one good neutral female voice and the psychologist tried to say that was my voice fighting back to be heard but she doesn't sound like me or my normal thoughts. The voices tend to come and go but I don't think will ever fully leave. I have more visual halluniciantions and the negative/cognitive symptoms of the illness. I will post something on it one day. But people tend to focus on the positive symptoms of the illness. The disabling part of the illness is the negative symptoms and cognitive decline. I try to remain active in conversation and learning to fight these two aspects.


I understand. I agree the issue is the cognitive decline, but this is also a matter to "remain active", as you say. So I wish you remain active, and don't lose hope.

The objects you have in mind could also be reflections of people.

When you talk with someone, your brain builds an image if him inside. So you talk with the image of him inside you, not really with this person outside. So many objects could also be "images" of people. The brain tries to replicate reality inside , so that lot of things inside are actually copies of what is outside.

The voices will not go just like anyone has voices. The point is that "consciousness" means being expert of itself: if you lose this expertise , you cannot silence them, like everyone else is doing.

I think art could help you even more: think to have a school, it is a very good exercise about dissected mind. Also self-portraying could be a good exercise IMHO.

I have found art does help untangle my brain in a way. The release calms me. Enjoy your day and I like your viewpoints. They seem very educated.