Stalker (Victor Tenebrun)

in #draw5 years ago

Stalker 2.png
Nombre: Stalker (Victor Tenebrun)

Edad: 27

Poder: fabricación de armas

Herramienta: armadura transformante

Descripción: Encarnación de la guerra, la masacre y la violencia, fuerte y resistente, grande e imponente, con un hambre insalvable de conflicto y carne fresca, solo leal a Mortus y a su gula.

Averigua más de este personaje leyendo "Luke Ligner: El Despertar" disponible en amazon:

Name: Stalker (Victor Tenebrun)

Age: 27

Power: making weapons

Tool: transforming armor

Description: Incarnation of war, massacre and violence, strong and resistant, great and imposing, with an insurmountable hunger for conflict and fresh meat, only loyal to Mortus and his gluttony.

Find out more about this character by reading "Luke Ligner: The Awakening" available on amazon: