Hey Everyone, dRAMA from the Drama Project here.
Here are some interesting events happening in the world of Drama.
DRAMA is currently trading at .98 Steem on https://steem-engine.com/?p=market&t=DRAMA
We've going International as you know the Korean Community already loves DRAMA we have recently introduced the Italian Community as well.
@monicia90 is helping to launch drama in the Italian community and understand it's use. :)
If you are posting in another language and would like to introduce DRAMA to your community contact @whatsup on Discord.
She has received 10 drama and will be curating DRAMA in that community.
Remember that Steem-Engine is young and currently launching more features which should bring many to exchange tokens. Those tokens with a use-case, and established holders are likely to see interest.
Thank you everyone for making DRAMA's first month such a success. Everyone understands what Internet drama is. the potential is huge.
While many think that DRAMA is just a funny project (and it is) It also has a board reach, a repeatable topic and a super cute face! (mine)
Let's get DRAMATIC!
To issue shiny new DRAMA tokens you must own 10 DRAMA tokens.
You call the bot by typing the command !dramatoken
Tonight I can write in Russian. Tomorrow in Ukrainian and share in the Ukrainian community STEEM.
upped and resteemed
Please Help!!!! lol!! 🙋📣📢
Still wish I had 10 drama tokens @dramatoken such a great project by @whatsup ! I am up to 2 DRAMA , WOOT, WOOT!! I have no money yet to buy some and I still dont understand how to get any without buying them! 😜😳
Posted using Partiko iOS
This is awesome, thank you so much @heyimsnuffles !👍😘
Posted using Partiko Android
You have
!To view or trade
go to steem-engine.com.Awe, thanks so much for DRAMA token, I love it!❤🙋👍

Is there an Australian Drama community yet?
Only if the Drama tokens are upside down! ;)
You're going the right way to win yourself some amarD tokens there young man!
haha, not yet!
Is there a German DErama community yet?
Posted using Partiko Android
Not yet!! :)
Alright. If that's the case, please, dRAMA, view this as an official invitation to visit Germany's capital on the Drama World Tour.
Posted using Partiko Android
GodSpeeeeeeed dRAMA ! :) 💙 ♬♬
Posted using Partiko Android
Thank you, I'll need it.
Exciting news on the Drama front.
so mildly dramatic
I just trademarked that image so your going to have to grown some hair, split that eyeball or have dentures installed.
Thank you @whatsup...even if I did not notice this post because my username Is wrong😉👍
See you soon for new DRAMA updates!!Amazing post @dramatoken!!!
Posted using Partiko Android
Oh no! Sorry about getting the name wrong.
Somebody replied on my comment with this Drama thing instead of giving me a good response.
I will give it back to you.
Posted using Partiko Android
Sorry, you don't have enough
.You need
9.00000 DRAMA
more for a chance to make it happen.To view or trade
go to steem-engine.com.Is am Moldovian comunity yet? !dramatoken
Posted using Partiko Android