Ive always enjoyed your content and hearing about your research. Its one thing to hear about these attacks, and another thing entirely to be the target of them im sure. Youve got a good heart and your brain seems to work well enough to see through BS and through to the/a possible truth behind the BS, which i why i followed you in the first place and likely why youre targeted. Honor and integrity leave a sour taste in their mouths I guess. As for this woman who helped you with your research, I suspect she drank too much of Mao's red koolaid antifa(gs) were serving.. or maybe shes just still in character -- she was undercover so long shes got a bad case of stockholm syndrome maybe?.. we should pray for her.
My ADD kicked in hardcore reading that essay, though I did manage to fight the urge to skim and pushed through to the end. Glad i did too because it just goes to show my feeling about character was spot on, and I look forward to hearing your take on the IG report and the draining of the swamp as we ride this tidal wave.
Godspeed Tracy.
God Bless you all-- Patriots, Americans, && FELLOW HUMANS (not to exclude any human friendly non-humans xD)( kek)