Name : Muten Roshi [Jap], Master Roshi(Turtle Heremit) [Engl]
Power Level : About 132-180
He is about 332 Years old, has black eyes, is about 1,65m Tall and weights about 44 kg. (Without the shell propably :D)
He also has an Older Sister - Fortuneteller Baba.
His Rival Master Shen trained Tien and Chiaotzu.
He seems to be based on God from the Dr. Slump series.
He trained :
Gohan (goku´s Grandfather)
Ox-King (ChiChis Father)
- He cant fly.
- His trademarks are his white Beard, the sunglasses and the Shell he wears on his back
- He loves to Read, Watch TV, Eat Pizza, Take Naps, Play Video Games, Surfing the Internet (For porn ofc)
- He is an old pervert
- His blood type is O.
- His alias is Jackie Chun
- He was trained by Mutatio
- He invented the Kamehameha
- It took him 500 days to Master the Kamehameha
- He destroyed the Moon
- He turned a man from Werewolf back to human by hypnosis and Krillins bald Head.
- He owned the Immortal Phoenix which gave him Immortality
- He fed the Immortal Phoenix with tainted bird seeds so it died
- He Gained immortality by eating the Paradise Grass - Every 1000 years
- He still can Die - getting killed in battle
- He was the first to climb the Korin tower
- It took him 3 years to Catch Korin and obtain the Sacred Water
- He gave Goku the Flying Nimbus
- He cant use the Flying Nimbus anymore, cause hes Pervy :D
- He won the World Martial Arts Tournaments atleast twice
- He lives(for most of the time) in the Kame House with Launch, Krillin, C18, Marron, Turtle, Oolong, an Alligator and a Crab.
- During some Sagas other Characters lived in the Kamehouse
- He founded the Turtle School
- He has an closet full of different colored Shells to choose from
- Shells weights used for Training were 50 and 100 pounds
- He calls Broli "Broccoli"
- Roshi gives Goku the Three-Star Dragon Ball... for a pervy thing Bulma has done.
I hope ive told you some facts you didnt know, or atleast refreshed your Knowledge.
If you Enjoyed the reading, upvote and maybe comment, so ill keep on Writing new "Short-Trivia" to other Dragon ball Chars.

LOL! hahah nice post