Dracula Untold 2014

in #dracula7 years ago

''Drink, drink ,drink with me a zis Dragonu si o sa vezi viitorul prin ochii mei,gusta dezamagirea & the forbiden knowledge will be yours,rezista 3 zile stapaneste setea si o sa calci pe urmele mele''====>cand se va posomori ceru,luna va fi rosie ca fieru,vanturile o sa bata tu sa-nfigi pumnalu in harta !Si sa strigi din inaltimi catre armatele ce vin ,verdictu aspru dinspre creste,printre vii sa dea de veste ,candelele sa se stinga adunarea sa o inpinga,catre al tau castel retras unde ultimul ramas se repede prin furtuna capede de turci aduna!Ignorand sageti si gloante,doborind fara sperante,orice turc ce navaleste de mana Domnului sfarseste!Tunurile lovesc indata ,bucati din zid incep sa cada,poarta pica in final hoarde de tatari apar!Sabia-i manjita-n sange , inima lui Vlad tot plange,nimic nu pare sa-i invie peai lui tovarasi a sa sotie,care-u sfarsit in Poenari de furia turcilor talhari!Zarea se intuneca ca Vlad ,din cer tunete acum cad vijelie si furtuna,blestemul negru ce rasuna ,din daramaturi si fum Dracu iese facut scrum!Si cu-n strigat de bataie ochii se aprind vapaie,ai tranteste ,ai intoarce si de viata indata-i stoarce!In tepe sunt inaltati din lumea asta alungati,azvarliti gramada-n iad strapunsi de sulita lui Vlad!Mahomed se ingrozeste cand de stire el primeste ca turcimea ia pierit Valahul Vlad a isbandit!My dear friend,without an army on your land ,if you want my might to harness bow before the prince of darkness!Take the skull and drink my life avenge your sons ,your friends, your wife!Ressist the curse for the thre days embrace the most unholy ways!With blood your wounds will start to heal,your enemies will have to kneel!Don't share your powers in the dark they will betray you for that spark,when you will see them in your sight eraze the darkness enjoy the sunlight,the youngest dragon will not die the sun will take them no wonder why ?!===>priviti filmu e marfa(Dracula untold)


Hi there.

Was this the Dario Argento film? I need to catch up on his later films, not seen anything of his since the early 90s!

nope it is Dracula Untold a movie from 2014 a good movie full of action , fantasy & a bit of history Dracula Legend is about Vlad the Impaler the son of the Dragon known in our history as Vlad Tepes This awesome movie presents Vlad troubles with the turks ,their opressive reign and the havy burden that was upon Vlad shoulders, at that time in order to survive the turkish tyranny Vlad will be forced to ask for help seeking such thing in dark places haunted by the loss of his friends in those nasty places ,the forbiden powers are a bonus wich will help him in his quest for power and freedom however Imortality has a bitter price sadness and lonelyness will be his rewards in the end ==the lesson learned from this is that you cannot save everybody it is beyound your powers even the forbiden ones and sometimes you must become the monster not the noble hero, at the end of a succesfull movie the hero dies but the monster lives on!Enjoy & sory for the bad english !


Sounds like I need to see this movie sometime soon!!