I agree atleast partly here. Generally different block-chains are for different uses. I must though say that I have started to better understand this whole crypto market, especially now that this prolonged bear-market shut down all the worst idiots praising what-ever block-chain they did not know about, and I have started to be able to accurately read which projects are utter copy-paste bs, and I can say that tron is one of them.
If I were to look which currencies have potential, I would say that Bitcoin, Ethereum, EOS, Steem are some of the chains with highest potential.
Do you mean "copy-paste bs" as having similar code to other chains and that makes them bad for some reason? Or that people copy from already bad chains?
Tron copied the Ethereum whitepaper.
"Open-source architecture can't be patented and hoarded." I agree with this and would add that trying to stop people from copying probably harms growth. So it can't be hoarded and that's a good thing.
Talking about stealing code takes focus away from the real arguments about how they work. Not saying Tron is better just my general open source philosophy for now. On the other hand it's not a good sign if they only copied because they don't have interessted developers. If that seems important but then that should be the argument, not that it's copied by it self?
It's not a huge deal really and I'm not in either camp regarding Tron/ETH. Just felt the "copy-paste bs" simplification went against your original post that I agreed with and enjoyed!
I meant to try to be same as other chains, doing the same excact thing, with minimal real innovation. When they say that 90% of top 100 coins will disappear, they mean excactly these kind of coins, and obviously the straight up scam coins.
If you go trough various white-papers you will find how plenty of coins are just trying to re-invent the wheel, and that certain themes just keep repeating over and over.
Re-inventing the wheel litterary means not copying it right?
I do admit that using word "copy-cat" was not accurate.
Thanks and sorry for being a bit picky! ^^