I bought Dporn to "celebrate" Onlyfans banning nudity.

in #dporn4 years ago (edited)

I couldn't agree more.However, my "uncle" has been there and says it's mostly spam. There were a few good models but they slowly fell off the platform and stopped posting. [I assume because of lack of support].Today I read an interesting article by @readthisplease about how Onlyfans is banning nude content and #Dporn would be a great replacement. Of course, I am a gentleman and have never been on #Dporn.

[My Uncle told me famous people are nude on Onlyfans]. Even if you don't like porn, or think it's too low brow, you have to admit it would bring a nice niche market onto the Hive blockchain.The ironic thing is Onboarding Onlyfans users to #Dporn might be the easiest way to get a Celebrity to start using the Hive Blockchain.

Plus, Peakd has a great NSFW system that works well. You won't even see it.
Not a lot of people are buying or selling on Hive-engine.so technically I suppose any of us could onboard Onlyfan creators onto #dporn.Maybe we could start a reddit thread like r/dporn. #Dporn tokens don't have much market action. I'm not exactly sure who runs the #Dporn tribe. I could be wrong ... but the tribe seems anonymously run [by @dporn]. **According to @dporn's blog Dporn.co is "a Decentralized Porn Platform" I'm not sure how we would let Onlyfan people know about #dporn without straight up spamming models.

It would be nice to see Dporn take off. It's sort of a no brainer for a niche crypto "business" on the Hive Blockchain. It would really "suck" if Dporn failed [tee-hee]. We need more models or it's not going to valuate in my opinion. None of this, "I own the rights to post these photos" crap. [My uncle told me there is lots of spam like this].

Dporn is actually a great idea in theory. Tribe blogging is easy for adult models. Dporn is also decentralized with no sponsors. No pressure at all to ban pornographic content. No one can censor your content because it's on a decentralized blockchain. Verification is easy. You can even create your own front end, token or SMT as a second layer. Dporn is a diamond in the rough. If we pull out the diamond there will be a lound popping noise. The noise of the piggybank being opened hopefully.



Thank you for seeing it this way. The team behind dporn need to do better in promoting dporn. Pornography fetch a lot of money for onlyfans, this will be so great for hive. It’s a great idea but the team behind it is slacking

Onlyfans is not banning nudity or NSFW content of any kind, they went back on that about a week ago because they realized how much money they would lose. Glad to see you are promoting and wishing to improve DPorn. One suggestion is to get rid of those who don't like or wish to see porn of any kind. A certain someone has been downvoting porn posts of mine and several other people to the point that its a waste to post and though I want to promote others, many are just posting single pics at random as 'good' posts. I hope you can improve the platform and will be watching to see what new ideas you bring to DPorn but for now, because of lack of original and substantial posts and a troll downvoting everything, I will be sitting on the sidelines.

Posted via DPorn.co | Get Rewards for Sexual Content

Thanks for the mention.