Voted for
- Lady Marmalade - Moulin Rouge
- Bohemian Rhapsody - Wayne's World
- Eye of the Tiger - Rocky 3
- Iris - City of Angels
- Born to be Wild - Easy Rider
- What a Feelin' - Flashdance
- Final Moments - One Perfect Day
I voted for my own selections, because I thought they were the best 3, or I wouldn't have added them to my entry post ;0)
Born To Ne Wild and Eye Of The Tiger are such power songs...
Also voted for Iris and What A Feelin', because I like both very much
Great job @simplymike
So many great choices available, why would you stick to three, no matter how good they are!
Thanks for voting and good luck.
The PHC Top 3 Panel
Wonderful! Love the energy behind all of these songs! Music is a magical thing, don't you think?
Thank you for voting!