LMAC #13 - The Finalists! Vote for your favourite entry and help decide who the winners will be!
Greetings Steemians ###p
Welcome everyone to the dPoll on the finalists of Let's make a collage, Round #13!
Please take the time to browse through the #letsmakeacollage - tag and show your appreciation by leaving an upvote and maybe a comment on your favorite contributions:
All entry posts are still in active payout!!
❗️I would have shortlisted a few entries more, however those were either using copyrighted material or not providing sufficient information to allow easy verification that the material used is provided without any copyrights. So please make sure to adhere the rules as communicated in the announcement post!
And here they are, please join me in applauding the four finalists of LMAC #13:
Original Image:
Please vote for the submission you like most! Note that I will close the poll 24h after posting!
❗️❗️ Make sure to cast your votes through dPoll using the link at the end of this post! To mitigate multi account voting, a miniumum REP of 39 is required to have your vote being considered for the final result!
Thank you!
- muelli
- bidesign
- dauerossi
- norwegiansteem
Answer the question at dpoll.xyz.
Voted for
Trotz kaputtem Rücken alles gegeben, Danke dafür. 😎
Voted for
@muelli for president!
Wenn @muelli President wird hätte ich gern den Finanzminister Job
Den bekommst du! 😎
Danke.Jawoll @prinzvalium, nicht mehr und nicht weniger. 😎
Voted for
Hier erkenne ich eine wahre Kunst Expertin. 😎
Voted for
voted for @bidesign for the win!
YAY! you're always good in this competition 👍👍👍👏👏👏
Posted using Partiko Android
Everybody have fun in my opinion😊😘👍👏✌️
Posted using Partiko iOS
Voted for
Voted for
Voted for
Voted for
Because this dancing Trump made loud laugh.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Voted for
Voted for
Voted for
Voted for
Voted for
Voted for
Voted for
Schön, einfach und zu einem fantastischen Album! :)
Voted for
Eine gute Wahl. 😎
Voted for
Thanks 😃
Posted using Partiko Android
Voted for
Hätte ich auch gewählt. 😎
Danke dir.
Da ich zur Zeit drei Kollegen meinen Vote folgen lasse, wäre es unfair gewesen bei der ersten Abstimmung eine Bewertung für Dich abzugeben. Hast es ja auch so schon geschafft ;)
Ich werde mal versuchen die drei bei einigen TAGs wie z:B. #letsmakeacollage bei den Account @shaka das Folgen zu verbieten, dann kann ich dort auch wieder Bewerten (Voten) ohne ein schlechtes Gewissen haben zu müssen ;)
Ich glaube die Stimmen der drei Kollegen zählen eh nicht, daher brauchst du auch kein schlechtes Gewissen zu haben. 😎
Grüße und Danke.
Voted for
Vote for @muelli
Yessss, geht doch. 😎
Voted for
Thank you
Posted using Partiko iOS
I'm voting for
bidesign first
muelli for second place
Posted using Partiko Android
Thank you
Thank you.Really a @fantasticlady . 😎
Voted for
Voted for Funny Party
Thank you 😘
Posted using Partiko iOS
Voted for
C'mon guys let's join this party
😁🥳🎉💃🏼🕺🏻👯♀️😊👍👏 Thank you
Posted using Partiko iOS
Voted for
Voted for
Took me a few looks to get it, now I love the idea - Great job :)
Thank you 😄
Posted using Partiko Android
Voted for
Thank you 😃
Posted using Partiko Android
Voted for
Thank you 😃
Posted using Partiko Android
Voted for
Thank you 😃
Posted using Partiko Android
Voted for
Thank you 😃
Posted using Partiko Android
Voted for
lift the rainbow
Absolutly! Thank you for your vote! 😄
Posted using Partiko Android
Voted for
Thank you 😃
Posted using Partiko Android
Voted for
Thank you 😃
Posted using Partiko Android
Voted for
Thank you 😃
Posted using Partiko Android
Voted for
Thank you 😃
Posted using Partiko Android
Voted for
Thank you 😃
Posted using Partiko Android
Voted for
Thank you 😃
Posted using Partiko Android
Voted for
Thank you 😃
Posted using Partiko Android
Voted for
Thank you 😃
Posted using Partiko Android
Voted for
Thank you 😃
Posted using Partiko Android
Voted for
Thank you 😃
Posted using Partiko Android
Voted for bitdesign! It represents community and this is important. Much creativity here! Awesome!
for now @bidesign. i was thinking about to change it. 😊👍👏✌️ B.I Design. Thanks a lot for kindness 😘
Posted using Partiko iOS
vote on dpoll please https://dpoll.xyz/detail/@shaka/lmac-13-the-finalists-vote-for-your-favourite-entry-and-help-decide-who-the-winners-will-be/
Posted using Partiko iOS
Voted for
Voted for
Voted for
Voted for
Voted for
Love seeing the party animals dance
Voted for
Voted for