What heights will reach Bitcoin

in #dpoll6 years ago

What heights will reach Bitcoin

It's no secret that the rate of the progenitor of all cryptocurrencies began to actively grow upwards. What do you think, what heights can the price of Bitcoin reach, or does a collapse await it?


  • $ 10,000

  • $ 15,000

  • $ 20,000

  • $ 25,000

  • Your answer in the comments

Answer the question at dpoll.xyz.


Voted for

  • $ 25,000

Voted for

  • $ 25,000

Voted for

  • $ 25,000

Voted for

  • $ 10,000

Voted for

  • $ 10,000

Voted for

  • Your answer in the comments

But I have no real idea, maybe 30-40k in 1-2 years

Until the next rollback

Voted for

  • $ 10,000